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There are 18 words containing C, G, 2O, 2R, S and U

CORNIGEROUScornigerous adj. Horned, having a horn or horns.
CORNIGEROUS adj. horned.
CORRUGATORScorrugators n. Plural of corrugator.
CORRUGATOR n. a muscle which contracts the skin of the forehead into wrinkles.
CRYOSURGEONcryosurgeon n. One who performs cryosurgery.
CRYOSURGEON n. a surgeon who uses freezing techniques.
COMPURGATORScompurgators n. Plural of compurgator.
COMPURGATOR n. one who under oath vouches for the character or conduct of an accused person.
CORRUGATIONScorrugations n. Plural of corrugation.
CORRUGATION n. the act of corrugating.
CRYOSURGEONScryosurgeons n. Plural of cryosurgeon.
CRYOSURGEON n. a surgeon who uses freezing techniques.
MICROSURGEONmicrosurgeon n. (Surgery) A surgeon who specializes in microsurgery.
MICROSURGEON n. a surgeon who specialises in microsurgery.
CONFIGURATORSconfigurators n. Plural of configurator.
CONFIGURATOR n. an item of software that enables or assists in the configuration of a product.
CROWDSOURCINGcrowdsourcing n. The delegation of a task to a large diffuse group in order to introduce new or more developed skill…
crowdsourcing v. Present participle of crowdsource.
CROWDSOURCING n. the act of outsourcing work to an unspecified group of people, typically by making an appeal to the general public on the internet.
MICROSURGEONSmicrosurgeons n. Plural of microsurgeon.
MICROSURGEON n. a surgeon who specialises in microsurgery.
CONGRATULATORScongratulators n. Plural of congratulator.
CONGRATULATOR n. one who congratulates.
CROWDSOURCINGScrowdsourcings n. Plural of crowdsourcing.
CROWDSOURCING n. the act of outsourcing work to an unspecified group of people, typically by making an appeal to the general public on the internet.
NONCHURCHGOERSnonchurchgoers n. Plural of nonchurchgoer.
NONCHURCHGOER n. one who does not attend church.
OVERENCOURAGESoverencourages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overencourage.
OVERENCOURAGE v. to encourage to excess.
THOROUGHBRACESthoroughbraces n. Plural of thoroughbrace.
THOROUGHBRACE n. any of several leather straps supporting the body of a carriage and serving as springs.
CONGLOMERATEURSconglomerateurs n. Plural of conglomerateur.
CONGLOMERATEUR n. a person who forms or heads a conglomerate.
MACROSPORANGIUMmacrosporangium n. (Botany) A megasporangium; sporangium or conceptacle containing only large spores; opposed to microsporangium.
MACROSPORANGIUM n. a sporangium producing only megaspores.
MICROSPORANGIUMmicrosporangium n. (Botany) A case, capsule or container that holds microspores.
MICROSPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in heterosporous plants where the microspores develop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 497 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 70 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 31 words

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