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There are 19 words containing C, G, I, P, 2S, T and U

COUNTERSPYINGSCOUNTERSPYING n. the activity of a counterspy.
CROPDUSTINGScrop-dustings n. Plural of crop-dusting.
CROPDUSTING n. the spreading of fungicide, etc. on crops in the form of dust, often from an aircraft.
INTUSSUSCEPTINGintussuscepting v. Present participle of intussuscept.
INTUSSUSCEPT v. to take in by or cause to undergo intussusception.
MULTIPROCESSINGmultiprocessing n. Computation using more than one processor.
MULTIPROCESSING n. the processing of several computer programs at the same time esp. by a computer system with two or more processors sharing a single memory.
PARALINGUISTICSparalinguistics n. The study of paralanguage.
PARALINGUISTICS n. the study of paralanguage.
PNEUMOGASTRICSpneumogastrics n. Plural of pneumogastric.
PNEUMOGASTRIC n. the vagus.
POSTSURGICALpostsurgical adj. Relating to the period following surgery.
POSTSURGICAL adj. taking place after surgery.
POSTSURGICALLYpostsurgically adv. Relating to the period following surgery.
PSYCHOLINGUISTpsycholinguist n. A practitioner of psycholinguistics.
PSYCHOLINGUIST n. a student of psycholinguistics.
PSYCHOLINGUISTSpsycholinguists n. Plural of psycholinguist.
PSYCHOLINGUIST n. a student of psycholinguistics.
SCULPTINGSsculptings n. Plural of sculpting.
SCULPTING n. the act of forming an image or representation of from solid material.
SCULPTURINGSsculpturings n. Plural of sculpturing.
SCULPTURING n. the act of making a sculpture.
SUPERCOMPUTINGSSUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SUPERORGANICISTsuperorganicist n. One who subscribes to the philosophy of superorganicism.
SUPERORGANICIST n. one who studies the superorganic.
SUPERSTRUCTINGsuperstructing v. Present participle of superstruct.
SUPERSTRUCT v. to build on something else as a foundation.
SUSPECTINGsuspecting v. Present participle of suspect.
SUSPECT v. to think guilty.
UNSUSPECTINGunsuspecting adj. Not suspecting; without any suspicion.
UNSUSPECTING adj. not suspecting.
UNSUSPECTINGLYunsuspectingly adv. In an unsuspecting manner.
UNSUSPECTING adv. not suspecting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 316 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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