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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing C, G, I, 2O, R and 2S

ACAROLOGISTSacarologists n. Plural of acarologist.
ACAROLOGIST n. a practitioner of acarology, the study of mites.
BOOKCROSSINGbookcrossing v. Present participle of bookcross.
bookcrossing n. The practice of leaving a book in a public location to be found and read by others, who then do the same.
BOOKCROSSING n. the practice of leaving a book in a public location to be found and read by others, who then do the same.
CARPOLOGISTScarpologists n. Plural of carpologist.
CARPOLOGIST n. a student of carpology, the study of fruits and seeds.
CHIROLOGISTSchirologists n. Plural of chirologist.
CHIROLOGIST n. one who claims to be able to detect character from handwriting.
CHOROLOGISTSchorologists n. Plural of chorologist.
CHOROLOGIST n. a student of chorology.
COPROCESSINGcoprocessing n. Processing together, e.g. multiple kinds of waste.
COPROCESSING n. the act of processing by means of a coprocessor.
COSPONSORINGcosponsoring v. Present participle of cosponsor.
co-sponsoring v. Present participle of co-sponsor.
COSPONSOR v. to sponsor jointly.
GASTRONOMICSGASTRONOMICS n. the style of cooking typical of a country or region.
GASTROSCOPICgastroscopic adj. Of or pertaining to gastroscopy.
GASTROSCOPIC adj. relating to the gastroscope, an instrument for examining interior of the stomach.
MICROLOGISTSmicrologists n. Plural of micrologist.
MICROLOGIST n. a practitioner of micrology, the branch of science which depends on the use of a microscope.
NECROLOGISTSnecrologists n. Plural of necrologist.
NECROLOGIST n. a person who writes obituaries or eulogies.
OFFSCOURINGSoffscourings n. Plural of offscouring.
OFFSCOURING n. someone rejected by society.
OSCILLOGRAMSoscillograms n. Plural of oscillogram.
OSCILLOGRAM n. a record made by an oscillograph.
OUTCROSSINGSoutcrossings n. Plural of outcrossing.
OUTCROSSING n. the act of crossing (an animal or plant, a breed or stock) with one not closely related.
OUTSOURCINGSoutsourcings n. Plural of outsourcing.
OUTSOURCING n. the act of sourcing work from outside a company.
POSTORGASMICpostorgasmic adj. After an orgasm.
POSTORGASMIC adj. taking place after orgasm.
PYROGNOSTICSpyrognostics n. (Dated) The characteristics of a substance, especially of a mineral or metal salt, that are revealed…
PYROGNOSTICS n. the characteristics of a mineral, such as fusibility, that are revealed by the application of heat.
SHORTCOMINGSshortcomings n. Plural of shortcoming.
SHORTCOMING n. an imperfection or lack that detracts from the whole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 44 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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