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There are 12 words containing C, E, G, 2M, N, T and U

CUMMINGTONITEcummingtonite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral, magnesium-iron silicate hydroxide, (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2.
CUMMINGTONITE n. a mineral of the amphibole group, hydrated magnesium iron silicate.
IMMUNOGENETICimmunogenetic adj. (Immunology, genetics) Relating to immunogenetics.
IMMUNOGENETIC adj. relating to immunogenetics, the study of the genetic characteristics of immunity, also IMMUNOGENETICAL.
METACOMPUTINGMETACOMPUTING n. computing that uses metacomputers.
TELECOMMUTINGtelecommuting n. The practice of using telecommunications technology to do one’s work at a location remote from one’s…
telecommuting v. Present participle of telecommute.
TELECOMMUTING n. working at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office.
CUMMINGTONITEScummingtonites n. Plural of cummingtonite.
CUMMINGTONITE n. a mineral of the amphibole group, hydrated magnesium iron silicate.
IMMUNOGENETICSimmunogenetics n. (Immunology, genetics) The study of the genetic basis for the immune response, and of the relationships…
IMMUNOGENETICS n. the study of the genetic characteristics of immunity.
IMMUNOGENICITYimmunogenicity n. (Immunology) The ability of a particular substance to provoke an immune response.
IMMUNOGENICITY n. the state of being immunogenic.
INTERCOMMUNINGintercommuning v. Present participle of intercommune.
INTERCOMMUNE v. to commune mutually or together.
METACOMPUTINGSMETACOMPUTING n. computing that uses metacomputers.
TELECOMMUTINGSTELECOMMUTING n. working at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office.
EXCOMMUNICATINGexcommunicating v. Present participle of excommunicate.
EXCOMMUNICATE v. to formally exclude someone from a group or community, esp. from a religious community.
IMMUNOGENETICALimmunogenetical adj. Alternative form of immunogenetic.
IMMUNOGENETICAL adj. relating to immunogenetics, the study of the genetic characteristics of immunity, also IMMUNOGENETIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 220 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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