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There are 18 words containing C, E, G, I, M, P, R and U

CLUMPERINGclumpering v. Present participle of clumper.
CLUMPER v. to walk heavily.
COMPUTERISINGcomputerising v. Present participle of computerise.
COMPUTERISE v. to render suitable for a computer, also COMPUTERIZE.
COMPUTERIZINGcomputerizing v. Present participle of computerize.
COMPUTERIZE v. to carry out, control, or produce by means of a computer, also COMPUTERISE.
COUNTERCAMPAIGNcountercampaign n. A campaign that opposes another campaign.
COUNTERCAMPAIGN n. an opposing campaign.
MUCKSPREADINGMUCKSPREAD v. to spread manure on fields.
MULTIPROCESSINGmultiprocessing n. Computation using more than one processor.
MULTIPROCESSING n. the processing of several computer programs at the same time esp. by a computer system with two or more processors sharing a single memory.
NEUROCOMPUTINGneurocomputing n. The application of computers to neurology.
NEUROCOMPUTING n. computing using neural networks to mimic the action of the human brain.
NEUROCOMPUTINGSNEUROCOMPUTING n. computing using neural networks to mimic the action of the human brain.
PNEUMOGASTRICpneumogastric adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the lungs and the stomach.
pneumogastric adj. (Anatomy) vagus (attributive).
pneumogastric n. (Anatomy) The pneumogastric nerve; one of the tenth pair of cranial nerves which are distributed to…
PNEUMOGASTRICSpneumogastrics n. Plural of pneumogastric.
PNEUMOGASTRIC n. the vagus.
PRECOMPUTINGprecomputing v. Present participle of precompute.
PRECOMPUTE v. to compute in advance.
PRECONSUMINGpreconsuming v. Present participle of preconsume.
PRECONSUME v. to consume in advance.
RECOMPUTINGrecomputing v. Present participle of recompute.
RECOMPUTE v. to compute again.
SUPERCOMPUTINGsupercomputing n. (Computing) The design and use of supercomputers.
SUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SUPERCOMPUTINGSSUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SUPERORGANICISMsuperorganicism n. (Philosophy) The belief that a culture or society transcends the purely organic nature of its individuals.
SUPERORGANICISM n. the state of being superorganic.
UNCOMPREHENDINGuncomprehending adj. Lacking comprehension or understanding.
UNCOMPREHENDING adj. not comprehending.
UNCOMPRESSINGuncompressing v. Present participle of uncompress.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 358 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 32 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 36 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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