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There are 18 words containing C, 2E, K, M, R, S and T

METERSTICKmeterstick n. A measuring rod one hundred centimeters (one meter) long.
meter␣stick n. A ruler that measures one meter.
METERSTICK n. a measuring stick a metre in length, also METRESTICK.
METRESTICKmetre␣stick n. A ruler that measures one metre.
METRESTICK n. a measuring stick one metre long, also METERSTICK.
MEATPACKERSmeatpackers n. Plural of meatpacker.
MEATPACKER n. (US) a person or company involved in the wholesale meat trade.
METERSTICKSmetersticks n. Plural of meterstick.
meter␣sticks n. Plural of meter stick.
METERSTICK n. a measuring stick a metre in length, also METRESTICK.
METRESTICKSmetre␣sticks n. Plural of metre stick.
METRESTICK n. a measuring stick one metre long, also METERSTICK.
WRECKMASTERwreckmaster n. Someone appointed to take charge of any goods and debris arriving on to the shore after a shipwreck.
wreckmaster n. (Rail transport) Someone in charge of a wreck train.
WRECKMASTER n. a person taking charge of a disabled ship or train and its cargo or freight.
MARKETPLACESmarketplaces n. Plural of marketplace.
market␣places n. Plural of market place.
MARKETPLACE n. an open square or place in a town where markets or public sales are held.
TRACKLEMENTStracklements n. Plural of tracklement.
TRACKLEMENT n. (dialect) a condiment, accompaniment, etc., to food.
WRECKMASTERSwreckmasters n. Plural of wreckmaster.
WRECKMASTER n. a person taking charge of a disabled ship or train and its cargo or freight.
CABINETMAKERScabinetmakers n. Plural of cabinetmaker.
cabinet␣makers n. Plural of cabinet maker.
CABINETMAKER n. a skilled woodworker who makes fine furniture.
COMSTOCKERIESCOMSTOCKERY n. overzealous censorship of material considered obscene, also COMSTOCKISM.
KERATECTOMIESkeratectomies n. Plural of keratectomy.
KERATECTOMY n. surgical incision of the cornea.
LUMBERJACKETSlumberjackets n. Plural of lumberjacket.
lumber␣jackets n. Plural of lumber jacket.
LUMBERJACKET n. a man's jacket, usually in bold-patterned heavy material.
MOTHERFUCKERSmotherfuckers n. Plural of motherfucker.
mother-fuckers n. Plural of mother-fucker.
mother␣fuckers n. Plural of mother fucker.
LOCKSMITHERIESLOCKSMITHERY n. the craft of the locksmith.
MEGAKARYOCYTESmegakaryocytes n. Plural of megakaryocyte.
MEGAKARYOCYTE n. a large cell with a lobulated nucleus, found esp. in the bone marrow, the source of blood platelets.
MOCKUMENTARIESmockumentaries n. Plural of mockumentary.
MOCKUMENTARY n. a spoof documentary.
SHOCKUMENTARIESshockumentaries n. Plural of shockumentary.
SHOCKUMENTARY n. a documentary intended to shock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 514 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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