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There are 10 words containing C, 3E, G, H, M and O

CHEESEMONGERcheesemonger n. (Britain) Someone who sells cheese.
CHEESEMONGER n. one who sells cheeses.
CHEESEMONGERScheesemongers n. Plural of cheesemonger.
CHEESEMONGER n. one who sells cheeses.
HEMATOGENETIChematogenetic adj. Alternative form of haematogenetic.
HEMATOGENETIC adj. relating to hematogenesis, the production of blood, also HAEMATOGENETIC.
HETEROGAMETICheterogametic adj. (Biology) That produces heterogametes.
heterogametic adj. (Biology) That produces different forms of the same gamete e.g. spermatozoa containing either an X- or a Y-chromosome.
HETEROGAMETIC adj. having a dissimilar pair of sex chromosomes.
THERMOGENETICthermogenetic adj. Relating to thermogenesis.
thermogenetic adj. Relating to thermogenetics.
THERMOGENETIC adj. producing heat, also THERMOGENIC.
CHEMOSURGERIESCHEMOSURGERY n. the chemical removal of diseased or unwanted tissue.
GEOCHEMISTRIESgeochemistries n. Plural of geochemistry.
GEOCHEMISTRY n. the study of the chemistry of the earth's crust.
HAEMATOGENETIChaematogenetic adj. Relating to haematogenesis.
HAEMATOGENETIC adj. relating to haematogenesis, the production of blood.
HYPERGEOMETRIChypergeometric adj. (Mathematics) Pertaining to mathematical entities of different kinds (Series, functions, equations…
hypergeometric n. (Mathematics) Such a function, series etc.
HYPERGEOMETRIC adj. of or relating to operations or series that transcend ordinary geometrical operations or series.
MEGALOCEPHALIESMEGALOCEPHALY n. the condition of having an unusually large head or cranial capacity, also MEGACEPHALY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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