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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 16 fifteen-letter words containing C, E, G, M, N, 2O and S

CONGLOMERATEURSconglomerateurs n. Plural of conglomerateur.
CONGLOMERATEUR n. a person who forms or heads a conglomerate.
CONGLOMERATIONSconglomerations n. Plural of conglomeration.
CONGLOMERATION n. the act of conglomerating.
DECOMMISSIONINGdecommissioning v. Present participle of decommission.
decommissioning n. The act by which something is decommissioned.
DECOMMISSION v. to remove (as a ship or nuclear power plant) from service.
ELECTROFORMINGSELECTROFORMING n. forming (shaped articles) by electrodeposition on a mould.
ETHNOMUSICOLOGYethnomusicology n. (Music) The study of music and culture; the study of music as it relates to its cultural context.
ETHNOMUSICOLOGY n. the study of comparative musical systems.
FORTHCOMINGNESSforthcomingness n. The state or quality of being forthcoming.
FORTHCOMINGNESS n. the state of being forthcoming.
MICROAGGRESSIONmicroaggression n. (Sociology, chiefly US) Any small-scale verbal or physical interaction between those of different races…
MICROAGGRESSION n. indirect or subtle actions or statements regarded as denigrating a minority group.
MICROPROCESSINGmicroprocessing n. The use of microprocessors.
MICROPROCESSING n. the processing of data by a microprocessor.
MUCOSANGUINEOUSmucosanguineous adj. (Medicine) Containing mucus and blood.
MUCOSANGUINEOUS adj. consisting of mucus and blood.
NEUROCOMPUTINGSNEUROCOMPUTING n. computing using neural networks to mimic the action of the human brain.
NORMOGLYCAEMIASNORMOGLYCAEMIA n. the condition of having a normal blood sugar level, also NORMOGLYCEMIA.
ORGANOMETALLICSorganometallics n. Plural of organometallic.
ORGANOMETALLIC n. an organometallic compound.
OVERCOMPRESSINGovercompressing v. Present participle of overcompress.
OVERCOMPRESS v. to compress excessively.
PHARMACOGNOSIESpharmacognosies n. Plural of pharmacognosy.
PHARMACOGNOSY n. the study of drugs of animal and plant origin.
RECOMMISSIONINGrecommissioning v. Present participle of recommission.
RECOMMISSION v. to commission again.
SCHOOLMASTERINGschoolmastering v. Present participle of schoolmaster.
schoolmastering n. The fact or activity of being a schoolmaster; teaching.
SCHOOLMASTER v. to act as a schoolmaster to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 127 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 63 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 76 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 17 words

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