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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing C, E, I, M, R, T and 2U

BUREAUCRATISMSbureaucratisms n. Plural of bureaucratism.
BUREAUCRATISM n. bureaucracy.
CIRCUMAMBULATEcircumambulate v. (Transitive) To walk around something in a circle, especially for a ritual purpose.
CIRCUMAMBULATE v. to circle on foot esp. ritualistically.
COMMUNAUTAIRESCOMMUNAUTAIRE n. a spirit or attitude in keeping with or appropriate to the aims and principles of the European Union.
MICROPUNCTURESmicropunctures n. Plural of micropuncture.
MICROPUNCTURE n. an extremely small puncture (as of a nephron).
MICROSTRUCTUREmicrostructure n. Fine-scale structure.
MICROSTRUCTURE n. the microscopic structure of a material, as a mineral or a biological cell.
MULTARTICULATEmultarticulate adj. Having many articulations or joints.
MULTICOUNTRIESSorry, definition not available.
MULTIFREQUENCYmultifrequency adj. Of or pertaining to multiple frequencies.
MULTIFREQUENCY adj. having many frequencies.
MULTIMOLECULARmultimolecular adj. (Chemistry, physics) Involving multiple molecules.
MULTIMOLECULAR adj. comprising many molecules.
MULTINUCLEOLARmultinucleolar adj. (Cytology) With multiple nucleoli.
MULTINUCLEOLAR adj. having many nucleoles.
NEUROCOMPUTINGneurocomputing n. The application of computers to neurology.
NEUROCOMPUTING n. computing using neural networks to mimic the action of the human brain.
SUPERCOMPUTINGsupercomputing n. (Computing) The design and use of supercomputers.
SUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SUPERINCUMBENTsuperincumbent adj. (Chiefly sciences) Lying or resting on something else; overlying.
SUPERINCUMBENT adj. resting on top; overlying; overhanging.
TRITUBERCULISMtrituberculism n. Synonym of trituberculy.
TRITUBERCULISM n. the state of being tritubercular.
ULTRAMASCULINEultramasculine adj. Highly masculine.
ULTRAMASCULINE adj. extremely masculine.
UNCOMPUTERISEDuncomputerised adj. Alternative spelling of uncomputerized.
UNCOMPUTERISED adj. not computerised, also UNCOMPUTERIZED.
UNCOMPUTERIZEDuncomputerized adj. Not computerized.
UNCOMPUTERIZED adj. not computerized, also UNCOMPUTERISED.
UNMATRICULATEDunmatriculated adj. Not matriculated.
UNMATRICULATED adj. not matriculated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 46 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 180 words

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