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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing C, E, G, N, 2O, S and Y

COPOLYMERISINGcopolymerising v. Present participle of copolymerise.
COPOLYMERISE v. to make into a copolymer, also COPOLYMERIZE.
CYCLOOXYGENASEcyclooxygenase n. (Biochemistry) Any of several enzymes that catalyze a cyclooxygenation reaction, but especially the…
cyclo-oxygenase n. (Biochemistry) Alternative spelling of cyclooxygenase.
FERROCYANOGENSFERROCYANOGEN n. the quadrivalent radical of the ferricyanides.
GEOGNOSTICALLYgeognostically adv. In terms of, or by means of, geognosy.
GEOGNOSTICAL adv. relating to geognosy, knowledge of the structure of the earth, also GEOGNOSTIC.
GEOSYNCHRONOUSgeosynchronous adj. Refers to the orbit of a satellite whose rate of revolution is matched to the rotation period of the…
GEOSYNCHRONOUS adj. of a satellite, etc., geostationary.
GLYCOGENOLYSESglycogenolyses n. Plural of glycogenolysis.
GLYCOGENOLYSIS n. the breakdown of glycogen esp. to glucose in the animal body.
GLYCOGENOLYSISglycogenolysis n. (Biochemistry) The production of glucose-1-phosphate by splitting a glucose monomer from glycogen using…
GLYCOGENOLYSIS n. the breakdown of glycogen esp. to glucose in the animal body.
GYNAECOLOGISTSgynaecologists n. Plural of gynaecologist.
gynæcologists n. Plural of gynæcologist.
GYNAECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynaecology, also GYNECOLOGIST.
GYNOMONOECIOUSgynomonoecious adj. (Botany) Having bisexual flowers and female flowers on the same plant.
GYNOMONOECIOUS adj. having hermaphrodite and female flowers on the same plant.
GYNOMONOECISMSGYNOMONOECISM n. the state of being gynomonoecious.
LARYNGOSCOPIESlaryngoscopies n. Plural of laryngoscopy.
LARYNGOSCOPY n. examination by use of a laryngoscope.
MONOGLYCERIDESmonoglycerides n. Plural of monoglyceride.
MONOGLYCERIDE n. any of various esters of glycerol in which only one of the three hydroxyl groups is esterified and which are often used as emulsifiers.
NORMOGLYCEMIASNORMOGLYCEMIA n. a normal level of blood sugar, also NORMOGLYCAEMIA.
PHARYNGOSCOPESpharyngoscopes n. Plural of pharyngoscope.
PHARYNGOSCOPE n. an instrument for inspecting the pharynx.
PSYCHOSURGEONSpsychosurgeons n. Plural of psychosurgeon.
PSYCHOSURGEON n. a practitioner of psychosurgery.
ROENTGENOSCOPYROENTGENOSCOPY adj. examination by use of the roentgenoscope.
UNCOURAGEOUSLYuncourageously adv. Without courage; in a cowardly manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 94 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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