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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing C, 2E, 2P, R, S and U

APPURTENANCESappurtenances n. Plural of appurtenance.
appurtenances n. Equipment used for a specific task or purpose; gear.
APPURTENANCE n. a subordinate or adjunct part of.
PAPAVERACEOUSpapaveraceous adj. Of or pertaining to the poppy family Papaveraceae.
PAPAVERACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like a poppy; belonging to the poppy family of plants.
PERSPICUITIESperspicuities n. Plural of perspicuity.
PERSPICUITY n. the state of being perspicuous, clear, easily understood.
PICTUREPHONESpicturephones n. Plural of picturephone.
PICTUREPHONE n. a device which allows speakers on the telephone to see each other.
PLECTOPTEROUSPLECTOPTEROUS adj. of or like the Plectoptera, mayflies.
PLURIPRESENCEpluripresence n. Presence in more than one place.
PLURIPRESENCE n. presence in multiple places at one time.
PREPUBESCENCEprepubescence n. The period prior to the onset of puberty; prepuberty.
PREPUBESCENCE n. prepuberty.
PREPUBESCENTSprepubescents n. Plural of prepubescent.
PREPUBESCENT n. one who is prepubertal.
PROPAEDEUTICSpropaedeutics n. Plural of propaedeutic.
PROPAEDEUTIC n. a preliminary study.
PUMPERNICKELSpumpernickels n. Plural of pumpernickel.
PUMPERNICKEL n. (German) a kind of coarse dark rye bread.
SUBAPPEARANCESUBAPPEARANCE n. a subsidiary or supporting appearance.
SUPERCOMPUTERsupercomputer n. (Computing) Any computer that has a far greater processing power than others of its generation; typically…
SUPERCOMPUTER n. a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SUPERPARTICLEsuperparticle n. (Physics) Any particle that is a superpartner of another.
SUPERPARTICLE n. a particle postulated in supersymmetry theory.
SUPERSPECIALSsuperspecials n. Plural of superspecial.
SUPERSPECIAL n. something exceptionally special.
UPPERCLASSMENupperclassmen n. Plural of upperclassman.
UPPERCLASSMAN n. a member of the junior or senior class in a school or college.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 22 words

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