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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing C, 2E, 2I, 2L and R

ALLERGENICITYallergenicity n. The property or degree of being allergenic.
ALLERGENICITY n. the state of being an allergen.
BIOELECTRICALbioelectrical adj. Pertaining to bioelectricity.
BIOELECTRICAL adj. of or relating to electric phenomena in living organisms, also BIOELECTRIC.
CAPERCAILLIEScapercaillies n. Plural of capercaillie.
CAPERCAILLIE n. (Gaelic) a large Scottish bird of the grouse family, also CAPERCAILZIE.
CELLULARITIEScellularities n. Plural of cellularity.
CELLULARITY n. the state of being cellular.
CURLIEWURLIESCURLIEWURLIE n. (Scots) a twisted or curled pattern.
ELECTRIFIABLEelectrifiable adj. Capable of being electrified (charged with electricity, by rubbing etc).
ELECTRIFIABLE adj. capable of being electrified.
ELECTROPHILICelectrophilic adj. (Chemistry) of, or relating to an electrophile; electron deficient.
ELECTROPHILIC adj. having an affinity for electrons.
HELIOMETRICALheliometrical adj. Of or relating to the heliometer, or to heliometry.
HELIOMETRICAL adj. relating to heliometry, also HELIOMETRIC.
HELISPHERICALhelispherical adj. Helispheric.
HELISPHERICAL adj. pertaining to rhumb lines, loxodromic, also HELISPHERIC.
INTELLIGENCERintelligencer n. (Dated) A bringer of intelligence (news, information); a spy or informant.
INTELLIGENCER n. (archaic) a secret agent.
INTERCLAVICLEinterclavicle n. (Anatomy) The episternum.
INTERCLAVICLE n. a membrane bone between and beneath the clavicles, present in some fossil amphibians, all reptiles except snakes, and monotremes.
INTERMETALLICintermetallic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) of, relating to, acting between, or comprising two or more metals.
intermetallic n. (Inorganic chemistry) An intermetallic compound.
INTERMETALLIC adj. composed of two or more metals or of a metal and a nonmetal.
IRRECLAIMABLEirreclaimable adj. Incapable of being reclaimed; not reclaimable.
irreclaimable adj. Unredeemable.
IRRECLAIMABLE adj. incapable of being reclaimed.
PEDICELLARIAEpedicellariae n. Plural of pedicellaria.
PEDICELLARIA n. each of numerous organs like small pincers on the outside of an echinoderm.
PORCELAINLIKEporcelainlike adj. Resembling porcelain or some aspect of it.
PORCELAINLIKE adj. like porcelain.
RECTILINEALLYrectilineally adv. Synonym of rectilinearly In a rectilineal fashion.
RECTILINEAL adv. moving in or forming a straight line, also RECTILINEAR.
RECTILINEARLYrectilinearly adv. In a rectilinear fashion.
RECTILINEAR adv. moving in or forming a straight line, also RECTILINEAL.
TREDECILLIONStredecillions n. Plural of tredecillion.
TREDECILLION n. ten to the power of 42.
VERTICILLATEDverticillated adj. Alternative form of verticillate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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