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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing C, E, 2N, 2O, S and U

CANOROUSNESScanorousness n. The quality of being musical.
CANOROUSNESS n. the state of being canorous.
COCOUNSELINGcocounseling v. Present participle of cocounsel.
co-counseling n. Alternative form of co-counselling.
COCOUNSEL v. to counsel jointly.
CONNOISSEURSconnoisseurs n. Plural of connoisseur.
CONNOISSEUR n. (French) one who appreciates fine things e.g. wines, the arts.
CONSECUTIONSconsecutions n. Plural of consecution.
CONSECUTION n. the logical sequence or progression of an argument.
CONTERMINOUSconterminous adj. Alternative form of coterminous.
CONTERMINOUS adj. sharing the same end; confined within a common boundary, also CONTERMINAL, CONTERMINANT, CONTERMINATE, COTERMINOUS.
COUNTERBONDScounterbonds n. Plural of counterbond.
COUNTERBOND n. a bond to protect a person who has given bond for another from contingent loss.
EXCOMMUNIONSEXCOMMUNION n. (Milton) excommunication.
MISPRONOUNCEmispronounce v. (Transitive) To pronounce (A word, phrase, etc.) incorrectly.
MISPRONOUNCE v. to pronounce incorrectly.
MONONUCLEARSmononuclears n. Plural of mononuclear.
MONONUCLEAR n. a mononuclear cell.
NONCANCEROUSnoncancerous adj. (Of a tumour) That is not cancerous; benign.
non-cancerous adj. Alternative spelling of noncancerous.
NONCANCEROUS adj. not cancerous.
NONCOMPUTERSSorry, definition not available.
NONCONSUMERSnonconsumers n. Plural of nonconsumer.
NONCONSUMER n. one who is not a consumer.
NONCOUNTRIESnoncountries n. Plural of noncountry.
NONCOUNTRY n. a region, administrative entity, or principality that does not have nation or country status.
NONCUSTOMERSnoncustomers n. Plural of noncustomer.
NONCUSTOMER n. one who is not a customer.
SUBCOMPONENTsubcomponent n. A lesser or secondary component.
SUBCOMPONENT n. a subordinate component.
UNCENSORIOUSuncensorious adj. Not censorious.
UNCENSORIOUS adj. not censorious.
UNCOMMONNESSuncommonness n. The state or quality of being uncommon.
UNCOMMONNESS n. the state of being uncommon.
UNCOOLNESSESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 115 words
  • Scrabble in French: 103 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 48 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 34 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 14 words

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