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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing C, E, L, M, N, O, R and U

BECLAMOURINGbeclamouring v. Present participle of beclamour.
BECLAMOUR v. to make a clamour, also BECLAMOR.
COUNTERCLAIMcounterclaim n. (Law) A suit filed by a defendant against a plaintiff secondary to the original complaint.
counterclaim v. (Intransitive) To file a counterclaim.
COUNTERCLAIM v. to enter or plead a counterclaim.
CURMUDGEONLYcurmudgeonly adj. Characteristic of a curmudgeon; churlish.
CURMUDGEONLY adj. like a curmudgeon.
MACRONUCLEARmacronuclear adj. Of or pertaining to a macronucleus.
MACRONUCLEAR adj. of or like a macronucleus.
MACRONUCLEUSmacronucleus n. (Biology) The larger of the two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans; it controls the nonreproductive…
MACRONUCLEUS n. a relatively large densely staining nucleus of most ciliate protozoans that is derived from micronuclei and controls various nonreproductive functions.
MICRONUCLEUSmicronucleus n. (Biology) A small nucleus.
micronucleus n. (Biology) The smaller of the nuclei of a ciliate protozoan (that contains genetic material).
MICRONUCLEUS n. a minute nucleus.
MONOCULTURESmonocultures n. Plural of monoculture.
MONOCULTURE n. growing of one agricultural crop only.
MONONUCLEARSmononuclears n. Plural of mononuclear.
MONONUCLEAR n. a mononuclear cell.
MUCOPURULENTmucopurulent adj. (Medicine) Characterized by mucus and pus.
MUCOPURULENT adj. containing a mixture of mucus and pus.
NOMENCLATUREnomenclature n. A set of rules used for forming the names or terms in a particular field of arts or sciences.
nomenclature n. A set of names or terms.
nomenclature n. (Obsolete) A name.
NONMERCURIALnonmercurial adj. Not mercurial; not containing or relating to mercury, the chemical element.
NONMERCURIAL adj. not mercurial.
NONMOLECULARnonmolecular adj. Not molecular.
NONMOLECULAR adj. not molecular.
NONNUMERICALnonnumerical adj. Not numerical; containing data other than numbers.
nonnumerical adj. Not using numerical techniques.
NONNUMERICAL adj. not numerical.
UNCOMMERCIALuncommercial adj. Not commercial; often specifically not commercially viable.
uncommercial n. A spoof advertisement created for countercultural purposes.
UNCOMMERCIAL adj. not engaged in or related to commerce.
UNIMOLECULARunimolecular adj. (Chemistry, physics, of a reaction) involving a single molecule.
UNIMOLECULAR adj. consisting of one molecule only.
UNPROCLAIMEDunproclaimed adj. Not proclaimed; unannounced.
UNPROCLAIMED adj. not proclaimed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 92 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 49 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 134 words

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