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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing C, E, I, R, S and 3T

BACTERIOSTATbacteriostat n. A biological or chemical agent that causes bacteriostasis.
BACTERIOSTAT n. an agent that causes bacteriostasis.
CLARINETTISTclarinettist n. Alternative spelling of clarinetist.
CLARINETTIST n. one who plays the clarinet, also CLARINETIST.
CONSTITUTERSconstituters n. Plural of constituter.
CONSTITUTER n. one who constitutes.
CONTRASTIESTCONTRASTY adj. of eg a photograph, showing strong contrasts.
CROTCHETIESTcrotchetiest adj. Superlative form of crotchety: most crotchety.
CROTCHETY adj. bad-tempered, also CROTCHETED.
DETECTORISTSdetectorists n. Plural of detectorist.
DETECTORIST n. a person whose hobby is using a metal detector.
ELECTROTINTSelectrotints n. Plural of electrotint.
ELECTROTINT n. a printing block produced by drawing with varnish on a metal plate, and depositing metal electrically on the parts not covered.
INTERACTANTSinteractants n. Plural of interactant.
INTERACTANT n. one that interacts.
RECONSTITUTEreconstitute v. (Transitive) to construct something anew, or in a different manner.
reconstitute v. (Transitive) to add liquid to a concentrated or dehydrated food to return it to its original consistency.
RECONSTITUTE v. to constitute again.
SCATTERATIONscatteration n. A scattered arrangement.
SCATTERATION n. the act of scattering.
STEREOTACTICstereotactic adj. Stereotaxic.
STEREOTACTIC adj. involving or used in a surgical technique for directing the tip of a delicate instrument or beam of radiation using coordinates provided by medical imaging, also STEREOTACTICAL.
STRAITJACKETstraitjacket n. A jacket-like garment with very long sleeves which can be secured in place, thus preventing the wearer…
straitjacket n. (Figurative) Any situation seen as confining or restricting.
straitjacket v. (Literally) To put someone into a straitjacket.
STRATICULATEstraticulate adj. (Geology) Said of sedimentary rock exhibiting thin layers, whether or not they control how the rock…
STRATICULATE adj. composed of parallel strata.
TESTIFICATORtestificator n. (Obsolete) A testifier.
TESTIFICATOR n. one who testifies.
TETRACTINALSTETRACTINAL n. a sponge spicule having four rays, also TETRACTINE.
TETRASTICHALtetrastichal adj. In the form of a tetrastich.
TETRASTICHAL adj. of or like a tetrastich, also TETRASTICHIC.
TETRASTICHICtetrastichic adj. In the form of a tetrastich.
TETRASTICHIC adj. of or like a tetrastich, also TETRASTICHAL.
THERMOSTATICthermostatic adj. Having or maintaining a consistent temperature.
thermostatic adj. (Physiology) Relating to thermostasis.
THERMOSTATIC adj. relating to thermal equilibrium.
TRACTILITIESTRACTILITY n. the state of being tractile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 131 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 36 words

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