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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing C, E, G, I, L, O, R and Y

BACTERIOLOGYbacteriology n. (Biology, microbiology) The scientific study of bacteria, especially in relation to disease and agriculture.
BACTERIOLOGY n. the scientific study of bacteria.
BRACHYLOGIESBRACHYLOGY n. brevity of diction, abbreviated or condensed expression.
CARDIOMEGALYcardiomegaly n. Megalocardia.
CARDIOMEGALY n. another name for megalocardia.
CATEGORIALLYcategorially adv. In a categorial manner.
CATEGORIAL adv. of or relating to a category.
CHIRURGEONLYchirurgeonly adj. (Archaic) having the characteristics of a chirurgeon (doctor or surgeon).
CHIRURGEONLY adj. (obsolete) in the manner becoming a chirurgeon, a surgeon.
CONCERNINGLYconcerningly adv. In a manner that causes concern; worryingly.
CONQUERINGLYconqueringly adv. So as to conquer.
CONQUERING adv. CONQUER, to overcome by force.
CRYPTOLOGIEScryptologies n. Plural of cryptology.
CRYPTOLOGY n. the scientific study of codes.
GLYCOPROTEINglycoprotein n. (Biochemistry) A protein with covalently bonded carbohydrates.
GLYCOPROTEIN n. any of the compounds formed by the conjugation of a protein with a substance containing a carbohydrate group other than a nucleic acid, also GLUCOPROTEIN.
HIEROGLYPHIChieroglyphic n. (Chiefly in the plural) A writing system of ancient Egypt, Minoans, Maya and other civilizations, using…
hieroglyphic n. Any symbol used in this system; a hieroglyph.
hieroglyphic n. (By extension) Undecipherable handwriting or secret symbol.
LEXICOGRAPHYlexicography n. (Uncountable) The art or craft of compiling, writing, and editing dictionaries.
lexicography n. (Uncountable, linguistics) The scholarly discipline of analysing and describing the semantic, syntagmatic…
lexicography n. (Countable) A dictionary, a lexicon, a wordbook.
MYRMECOLOGICMYRMECOLOGIC adj. relating to myrmecology, the scientific study of ants, also MYRMECOLOGICAL.
OROGENICALLYorogenically adv. In terms of, or by means of, orogeny.
OROGENIC adv. relating to the formation of mountains.
ORYCTOLOGIESORYCTOLOGY n. (obsolete) mineralogy or paleontology.
PETROGLYPHICpetroglyphic adj. Of or pertaining to petroglyphy.
PETROGLYPHIC adj. of or like a petroglyph, an ancient rock-carving.
PROTECTINGLYprotectingly adv. By way of protection; in a protective manner.
PROTECTING adv. PROTECT, to shield from harm, attack or injury.
PYELOGRAPHICpyelographic adj. Of or pertaining to pyelography.
PYELOGRAPHIC adj. relating to pyelography, the use of pyelograms, X-ray pictures of the renal pelvis.
RADIOECOLOGYradioecology n. The study of the fate and effects of radioactive materials in the environment.
RADIOECOLOGY n. the study of the effects of radiation and radioactive substances on ecological communities.
RECOGNISABLYrecognisably adv. In a way or manner that is recognisable.
RECOGNISABLE adv. that can be recognised, also RECOGNIZABLE.
RECOGNIZABLYrecognizably adv. In a recognizable manner.
RECOGNIZABLE adv. that can be recognized, also RECOGNISABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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