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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing C, 2E, H, M, 2O and T

CHEMOCEPTORSchemoceptors n. Plural of chemoceptor.
CHEMOCEPTOR n. a sensory receptor in a biological cell membrane to which an external molecule binds to generate a smell or taste sensation.
CHLOROMETERSchlorometers n. Plural of chlorometer.
CHLOROMETER n. instrument for measuring amount of chlorine in a solution.
CHROMOCENTERchromocenter n. An irregular mass of heterochromatin in some chromosomes.
CHROMOCENTER n. a densely staining aggregation of heterochromatic regions in the nucleus of some cells, also CHROMOCENTRE.
CHROMOCENTREchromocentre n. Synonym of karyosome.
CHROMOCENTRE n. a densely staining aggregation of heterochromatic regions in the nucleus of some cells, also CHROMOCENTER.
CHRONOMETERSchronometers n. Plural of chronometer.
CHRONOMETER n. an instrument for measuring time.
CLOSEMOUTHEDclosemouthed adj. Reticent, secretive or uncommunicative.
CLOSEMOUTHED adj. cautious in speaking.
ECTOMORPHIESECTOMORPHY n. the state of being an ectomorph.
HAEMOPOIETIChaemopoietic adj. Alternative spelling of hemopoietic.
hæmopoietic adj. Obsolete form of hemopoietic.
HAEMOPOIETIC adj. relating to haemopoiesis, the formation of blood.
HOMEOTHERMIChomeothermic adj. (Zoology) Capable of maintaining a relatively constant body temperature independent of the surrounding environment.
HOMEOTHERMIC adj. keeping the same temperature, warm-blooded, also HOMOIOTHERMIC.
HOMOCYSTEINEhomocysteine n. (Biochemistry) An amino acid which is monitored in the blood to estimate risk of cardiovascular disease.
HOMOCYSTEINE n. a kind of amino acid.
MESOTHORACESmesothoraces n. Plural of mesothorax.
MESOTHORAX n. the middle segment of the thorax in insects.
MONOTHELETICMonotheletic adj. Alternative form of Monothelitic.
MONOTHELETIC adj. like a monothelete, also MONOTHELETICAL.
STENOCHROMESstenochromes n. Plural of stenochrome.
STENOCHROME n. a print by stenochromy, printing in several colours at one printing.
STEREOCHROMEstereochrome n. A stereochromic picture.
STEREOCHROME n. a mural painting fixed with waterglass.
STEREOCHROME v. to paint a mural fixed with waterglass.
STEREOCHROMYstereochromy n. The painting of murals using pigments mixed with water glass.
STEREOCHROMY n. colourful wall painting.
THERMOCOUPLEthermocouple n. (Physics) A transducer consisting of two different metals welded together at each end; a voltage is…
THERMOCOUPLE n. a pair of different metals in contact giving a thermoelectric current.
THERMOSCOPESthermoscopes n. Plural of thermoscope.
THERMOSCOPE n. an instrument indicating a change in temperature.
TROCHOMETERStrochometers n. Plural of trochometer.
TROCHOMETER n. a hodometer, also TROCHEAMETER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 53 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 17 words

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