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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing C, E, I, N, 2O, S and U

ARENICOLOUSarenicolous adj. (Biology) living or burrowing in sand.
ARENICOLOUS adj. living in sand.
CEREMONIOUSceremonious adj. Fond of ceremony, ritual or strict etiquette; punctilious.
ceremonious adj. Characterized by ceremony or rigid formality.
CEREMONIOUS adj. devoted to forms and ceremony.
COMPENDIOUScompendious adj. Containing a subset of words, succinctly described; abridged and summarized.
compendious adj. Briefly describing a body of knowledge.
COMPENDIOUS adj. concise but comprehensive.
CONCEPTIOUSconceptious adj. (Obsolete) Apt to conceive; fruitful.
CONCEPTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) fruitful.
CONNOISSEURconnoisseur n. A specialist in a given field whose opinion is highly valued, especially in one of the fine arts or…
CONNOISSEUR n. (French) one who appreciates fine things e.g. wines, the arts.
CONSCIOUSESconsciouses n. Plural of conscious.
CONSCIOUS n. the conscious mind.
CONSECUTIONconsecution n. (Archaic) A following, or sequel; actual or logical dependence.
consecution n. (Obsolete) A succession or series of any kind.
consecution n. (Archaic) Sequence.
CONTENTIOUScontentious adj. Marked by heated arguments or controversy.
contentious adj. Given to struggling with others out of jealousy or discord.
CONTENTIOUS adj. likely to cause contention.
CONTUSIONEDCONTUSIONED adj. having a contusion.
COPIOUSNESScopiousness n. The state of being copious.
COPIOUSNESS n. the state of being copious.
CORNIFEROUScorniferous adj. Horned.
CORNIFEROUS adj. containing hornstone.
CORNIGEROUScornigerous adj. Horned, having a horn or horns.
CORNIGEROUS adj. horned.
COTERMINOUScoterminous adj. Meeting end to end or at the ends.
coterminous adj. (Geography) Having matching boundaries; or, adjoining and sharing a boundary.
coterminous adj. (By extension) Having the same scope, range of meaning, or extent in time.
COUNTERIONScounterions n. Plural of counterion.
COUNTERION n. an ion having a charge opposite to that of the substance with which it is associated.
ENDOCRINOUSendocrinous adj. (Dated) endocrine.
ENDOCRINOUS adj. relating to the endocrine glands.
MONECIOUSLYMONECIOUS adv. having separate male and female flowers on the same plant, also MONECIAN, MONOECIOUS, MONOICOUS.
ONCOVIRUSESoncoviruses n. Plural of oncovirus.
ONCOVIRUS n. a virus causing cancer.
PROSECUTIONprosecution n. The act of prosecuting a scheme or endeavor.
prosecution n. (Law) The institution of legal proceedings (particularly criminal) against a person.
prosecution n. (Law) The prosecuting party.
SUBCOLONIESsubcolonies n. Plural of subcolony.
SUBCOLONY n. a subordinate colony.
SUBECONOMICsubeconomic adj. Not of sufficient value to be exploited for money.
SUBECONOMIC adj. below the economy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 98 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 54 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 46 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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