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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing C, E, 2I, L, 2O and S

CALIOLOGIESCALIOLOGY n. the study of bird's nests.
CHIROLOGIESCHIROLOGY n. the language of gesture; the study of the hands.
COLONIALISEcolonialise v. Alternative form of colonialize.
COLONIALISE v. to make colonial, also COLONIALIZE.
COLONITISESCOLONITIS n. an inflammation of the large intestine, esp. of its mucous membrane, also COLITIS.
CONIOLOGIESCONIOLOGY n. the study of atmospheric pollutants and dust, also KONIOLOGY.
DIOECIOUSLYdioeciously adv. (Biology) In a dioecious manner.
DIOECIOUS adv. having male and female sexual organs in different individuals, also DIECIOUS, DIOICOUS.
DISCOLOGIESDISCOLOGY n. the study of gramophone records.
GEOPOLITICSgeopolitics n. The study of the effects of geography (especially economic geography) on international politics.
GEOPOLITICS n. the study of the relationship between the geographical situation and the politics of a nation.
HELIOSCOPIChelioscopic adj. Of or relating to the helioscope.
HELIOSCOPIC adj. related to a helioscope.
ICHNOLOGIESichnologies n. Plural of ichnology.
ICHNOLOGY n. a branch of paleontology dealing with the study of fossilized footprints, tracks, traces, etc.
ICONOLOGIESiconologies n. Plural of iconology.
ICONOLOGY n. a branch of art history dealing with iconic representations.
MICROLOGIESmicrologies n. Plural of micrology.
MICROLOGY n. the branch of science which depends on the use of a microscope.
NEOLOGISTICneologistic adj. Of or pertaining to neologisms.
NEOLOGISTIC adj. relating to neologism, also NEOLOGISTICAL.
SCLEROTIOIDSCLEROTIOID adj. of, relating to, or resembling a sclerotium.
SEISMOLOGICseismologic adj. Relating to the field of seismology.
SEISMOLOGIC adj. related to seismology, also SEISMOLOGICAL.
SEMEIOLOGICsemeiologic adj. Alternative form of semiologic.
SEMEIOLOGIC adj. relating to semeiology, the study of signs and signals, also SEMEIOLOGICAL.
SOCIOLOGIESsociologies n. Plural of sociology.
SOCIOLOGY n. the study of society.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 63 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 82 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 132 words

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