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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing C, 2E, H, O, 2S and T

CEANOTHUSESceanothuses n. Plural of ceanothus.
CEANOTHUS n. (Greek) a shrub with blue flowers.
CHOLESTASEScholestases n. Plural of cholestasis.
CHOLESTASIS n. a checking or failure of bile flow.
COHOSTESSEDcohostessed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cohostess.
COHOSTESS v. to act as a joint hostess.
COHOSTESSEScohostesses n. Plural of cohostess.
COHOSTESS n. a joint hostess.
EIGHTSCORESEIGHTSCORE n. eight times twenty.
ESCUTCHEONSescutcheons n. Plural of escutcheon.
ESCUTCHEON n. a shield bearing a coat-of-arms, also SCUCHIN, SCUTCHEON.
GEOCHEMISTSgeochemists n. Plural of geochemist.
GEOCHEMIST n. one who studies the chemistry of the earth's crust.
HECTOSTEREShectosteres n. Plural of hectostere.
HECTOSTERE n. a measure of solidity, containing one hundred cubic meters.
HETEROCYSTSheterocysts n. Plural of heterocyst.
HETEROCYST n. a cell larger than the others, and of different appearance, occurring in certain algae related to nostoc.
METACHROSESMETACHROSIS n. the ability of animals to change colour.
SCORESHEETSscoresheets n. Plural of scoresheet.
score-sheets n. Plural of score-sheet.
score␣sheets n. Plural of score sheet.
SCREENSHOTSscreenshots n. Plural of screenshot.
SCREENSHOT v. to take a print of the contents of a computer screen.
SOMESTHETICsomesthetic adj. Of or pertaining to somesthesia.
somesthetic adj. Of or relating to somesthetics.
SOMESTHETIC adj. relating to somesthesia.
SPHEROCYTESspherocytes n. Plural of spherocyte.
SPHEROCYTE n. an abnormal red-blood cell that is spherical rather than disc-shaped.
SPIROCHETESspirochetes n. Plural of spirochete.
SPIROCHETE n. a spirally coiled bacterium lacking a rigid cell wall, the cause of syphilis and other diseases, also SPIROCHAETE.
STETHOSCOPEstethoscope n. (Medicine) A medical instrument used for listening to sounds produced within the body.
stethoscope v. (Transitive) To auscultate, or examine, with a stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPE n. an instrument with which to listen to the sounds produced by the heart, lungs, etc.
THEOCRASIEStheocrasies n. Plural of theocrasy.
THEOCRASY n. the mingling of several gods into one personality.
THREESCORESthreescores n. Plural of threescore.
THREESCORE n. three times twenty.
TSCHERNOSEMtschernosem n. Alternative form of chernozem.
TSCHERNOSEM n. (Russian) a very fertile soil of subhumid steppe, also CHERNOZEM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 19 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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