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There are 19 words containing C, D, 3E, G, I and T

DECENTERINGdecentering v. Present participle of decenter.
decentering n. Alternative form of decentring.
DECENTERING n. the act of putting out of centre.
DESELECTINGdeselecting v. Present participle of deselect.
DESELECT v. to dismiss from a training program.
PEDOGENETICpedogenetic adj. Relating to pedogenesis.
PEDOGENETIC adj. relating to pedogenesis, the process of soil generation.
REDEFECTINGredefecting v. Present participle of redefect.
re-defecting v. Present participle of re-defect.
REDEFECT v. to defect again.
DECELERATINGdecelerating v. Present participle of decelerate.
DECELERATE v. to reduce the speed of.
DECENTERINGSdecenterings n. Plural of decentering.
DECENTERING n. the act of putting out of centre.
DECONGESTIVEdecongestive adj. Serving to decongest.
decongestive n. A decongestant.
DECONGEST adj. to relieve or end the congestion of.
DECREMENTINGdecrementing v. Present participle of decrement.
DECREMENT v. to decrease.
DETERGENCIESdetergencies n. Plural of detergency.
DETERGENCY n. a cleansing quality, also DETERGENCE.
MISCEGENATEDmiscegenated v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscegenate.
MISCEGENATE v. to practise miscegenation.
PAEDOGENETICpaedogenetic adj. Alternative form of pedogenetic.
PAEDOGENETIC adj. relating to paedogenesis, reproduction by an infant or larval organism.
DECEREBRATINGdecerebrating v. Present participle of decerebrate.
DECEREBRATE v. to eliminate cerebral brain function in (an animal) by removing the cerebrum, as for purposes of experimentation.
RECATEGORIZEDrecategorized v. Simple past tense and past participle of recategorize.
RECENTRIFUGEDrecentrifuged v. Simple past tense and past participle of recentrifuge.
recentrifuged adj. Centrifuged again.
RECENTRIFUGE v. to put through a centrifuge again.
TELERECORDINGtelerecording n. (Television) A recording of a television broadcast made while it is being transmitted, especially by…
TELERECORDING n. a recording for broadcast by television.
COUNTERWEIGHEDcounterweighed v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterweigh.
COUNTERWEIGH v. to weigh against, counterbalance.
TELERECORDINGStelerecordings n. Plural of telerecording.
TELERECORDING n. a recording for broadcast by television.
COUNTERWEIGHTEDcounterweighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterweight.
COUNTERWEIGHT v. to balance with an equivalent weight or force.
SECUNDOGENITUREsecundogeniture n. The condition of being secondborn.
secundogeniture n. A right of inheritance belonging to a second son.
secundogeniture n. A property or possession so inherited.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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