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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing C, D, I, 2L, 2O and T

CHLORTHALIDONEchlorthalidone n. Alternative form of chlortalidone.
CHLORTHALIDONE n. a diuretic used in the treatment of oedema, hypertension, and diabetes insipidus.
COLLOIDALITIEScolloidalities n. Plural of colloidality.
COLLOIDALITY n. the state of being a colloid.
DACTYLIOLOGIESDACTYLIOLOGY n. the study of finger-rings.
DEFLOCCULATIONdeflocculation n. The dispersion of an aggregate to form a stable colloid; the reverse of coagulation or flocculation.
DEFLOCCULATION n. the process of deflocculating.
DELOCALISATIONdelocalisation n. Alternative spelling of delocalization.
DELOCALISATION n. the act of delocalising, also DELOCALIZATION.
DELOCALIZATIONdelocalization n. The process of delocalizing or the fact of being delocalized.
delocalization n. (Chemistry) the phenomenon in which bonding electrons of some molecules serve to bind several atoms…
DELOCALIZATION n. the act of delocalizing, also DELOCALISATION.
DERMATOLOGICALdermatological adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to dermatology.
dermatological n. Such a drug or preparation.
DERMATOLOGICAL adj. relating to dermatology, also DERMATOLOGIC.
DIALECTOLOGIESdialectologies n. Plural of dialectology.
DIALECTOLOGY n. the study of dialects.
DIALECTOLOGISTdialectologist n. (Linguistics) A person who studies regional differences in speech sounds.
DIALECTOLOGIST n. a specialist in dialectology.
DISCONSOLATELYdisconsolately adv. In a cheerless, dreary manner; in a manner which suggests that one is beyond consolation.
DISCONSOLATE adv. cheerless.
ENDODONTICALLYendodontically adv. By means of endodontics.
ENDODONTIC adv. relating to endodontics, a branch of dentistry concerned with diseases of the pulp.
ENDOSMOTICALLYendosmotically adv. By endosmosis.
ENDOSMOTIC adv. pertaining to endosmose.
METHODOLOGICALmethodological adj. Of, pertaining to, or using methodology or a methodology.
METHODOLOGICAL adj. of or relating to method or methodology.
OCTODECILLIONSoctodecillions n. Plural of octodecillion.
OCTODECILLION n. ten to the 108th power.
ORTHOPEDICALLYorthopedically adv. In an orthopedic manner.
ORTHOPEDICAL adv. related to orthopedics.
POLYNUCLEOTIDEpolynucleotide n. (Biochemistry) A polymeric macromolecule composed of many nucleotides; examples include DNA and RNA.
POLYNUCLEOTIDE n. a polymeric chain of nucleotides.
PTERIDOLOGICALpteridological adj. Relating to pteridology.
PTERIDOLOGICAL adj. relating to pteridology, the study of ferns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 17 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 90 words

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