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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing C, D, H, 2I, N, S and T

ANTAPHRODISIACantaphrodisiac adj. Capable of reducing the sex drive.
antaphrodisiac n. A medicinal substance capable of reducing (inhibiting or eliminating) the sex drive/libido.
ANTAPHRODISIAC n. a drug acting to reduce sexual desire.
ARCHIMANDRITESarchimandrites n. Plural of archimandrite.
ARCHIMANDRITE n. the head of a monastery or convent.
CANDIDATESHIPScandidateships n. Plural of candidateship.
CANDIDATESHIP n. the office of candidate.
CUSTODIANSHIPScustodianships n. Plural of custodianship.
CUSTODIANSHIP n. the office of custodian.
DECHRISTIANISEdechristianise v. Alternative form of dechristianize.
de-Christianise v. (Transitive) To make unchristian or non-Christian.
de-Christianise v. (Transitive) To deprive of Christian character or aspect.
DECHRISTIANIZEdechristianize v. To deprive of Christian character.
de-Christianize v. (Transitive) To make unchristian or non-Christian.
de-Christianize v. (Transitive) To deprive of the Christian character of.
DIACATHOLICONSdiacatholicons n. Plural of diacatholicon.
DIACATHOLICON n. (obsolete) a purgative electuary, the drug being mixed with honey or syrup.
DIATHERMANCIESDIATHERMANCY n. permeability by or conductibility of radiant heat, also DIATHERMACY.
DISINHERITANCEdisinheritance n. The act of disinheriting.
DISINHERITANCE n. the act of disinheriting.
DRYOPITHECINESdryopithecines n. Plural of dryopithecine.
DRYOPITHECINE n. a gorilla, chimpanzee or man.
ENCEPHALITIDESencephalitides n. Plural of encephalitis.
ENCEPHALITIS n. inflammation of the brain.
ETHNOMEDICINESethnomedicines n. Plural of ethnomedicine.
ETHNOMEDICINE n. a branch of ethnobotany or medical anthropology that deals with the study of traditional medicines.
HEDONISTICALLYhedonistically adv. In a hedonistic manner.
HEDONISTIC adv. following the doctrines of hedonism, that avoidance of pain is the supreme good.
HEXACTINELLIDShexactinellids n. Plural of hexactinellid.
HEXACTINELLID n. a kind of six-rayed sponge.
ICHTHYOPSIDANSICHTHYOPSIDAN n. a member of the Ichthyopsida, amphibians, fishes and fishlike vertebrates, also ICHTHYOPSID.
STICKHANDLINGSSTICKHANDLING n. the act of manoeuvring (the puck) deftly in ice hockey.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 153 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 68 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 33 words

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