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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing C, D, I, N, 2O and 2R

CARDIOVERSIONcardioversion n. The treatment of cardiac arrhythmia, either with medication or by use of a machine (a cardioverter)…
CHLOROHYDRINSchlorohydrins n. Plural of chlorohydrin.
CHLOROHYDRIN n. any of various organic compounds derived from diols or polyhydroxy alcohols by substitution of chlorine for part of the hydroxyl groups.
CHONDROCRANIAchondrocrania n. Plural of chondrocranium.
CHONDROCRANIUM n. the cartilaginous parts of an embryonic cranium.
COLORBREEDINGcolorbreeding v. Present participle of colorbreed.
COLORBREED v. to breed plants or animals selectively for the production of new varieties having a specific color or shade, also COLOURBREED.
CONTRADICTORScontradictors n. Plural of contradictor.
CONTRADICTOR n. one who contradicts, also CONTRADICTER.
CONTRADICTORYcontradictory adj. That contradicts something, such as an argument.
contradictory adj. That is itself a contradiction.
contradictory adj. That is diametrically opposed to something.
CORRESPONDINGcorresponding v. Present participle of correspond.
corresponding n. A correspondence; the situation where things correspond or match.
corresponding adj. That have a similar relationship.
CROWDSOURCINGcrowdsourcing n. The delegation of a task to a large diffuse group in order to introduce new or more developed skill…
crowdsourcing v. Present participle of crowdsource.
CROWDSOURCING n. the act of outsourcing work to an unspecified group of people, typically by making an appeal to the general public on the internet.
GRANODIORITICgranodioritic adj. (Geology) of or related to granodiorite.
GRANODIORITIC adj. relating to granodiorite.
HARMONICHORDSharmonichords n. Plural of harmonichord.
HARMONICHORD n. a keyboard instrument of violin tone, in which the strings are rubbed by rosined wheels.
INDOCTRINATORindoctrinator n. One who indoctrinates.
INDOCTRINATOR n. one who indoctrinates.
NONCORRODIBLEnoncorrodible adj. Not corrodible.
NONCORRODIBLE adj. not corrodible.
OVERCROWDINGSovercrowdings n. Plural of overcrowding.
OVERCROWDING n. the act of crowding to excess.
OVERPRODUCINGoverproducing v. Present participle of overproduce.
OVERPRODUCE v. to produce to excess.
PREPRODUCTIONpreproduction n. All the preliminary arrangements that are made before the start of a project, especially before the…
preproduction n. The production of a material or substance before it is needed, in anticipation of future requirements.
pre-production n. (Cinematography) The process of preparing the elements involved in a motion picture, theatrical play…
RECONNOITEREDreconnoitered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconnoiter.
reconnoitered adj. Of a region or situation that has been surveyed (especially in a military situation).
RECONNOITER v. (US) to make a reconnaissance of, also RECONNOITRE.
REDECORATIONSredecorations n. Plural of redecoration.
REDECORATION n. the act of redecorating.
REPRODUCTIONSreproductions n. Plural of reproduction.
REPRODUCTION n. the manufacture of offspring as part of an organism's life cycle.
RETRODICTIONSretrodictions n. Plural of retrodiction.
RETRODICTION n. the utilization of present information or ideas to infer or explain (a past event or state of affairs).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 100 words
  • Scrabble in French: 70 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 124 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 216 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 83 words

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