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There are 19 words containing 2C, I, 2L, 2N and T

ANACREONTICALLYanacreontically adv. In an anacreontic manner.
ANACREONTICALLY adv. in the manner of a drinking song.
CANCELLATIONcancellation n. The act, process, or result of cancelling; as, the cancellation of certain words in a contract, or of…
cancellation n. (Mathematics) The operation of striking out common factors, e.g. in both the dividend and divisor.
cancellation n. (Philately) A postmark that marks a postage stamp so as to prevent its reuse.
CANCELLATIONScancellations n. Plural of cancellation.
CANCELLATION n. the act or an instance of cancelling, also CANCELATION.
CENTROCLINALCENTROCLINAL adj. dipping towards a centre from all directions.
COINCIDENTALLYcoincidentally adv. In a coincidental manner.
coïncidentally adv. Uncommon spelling of coincidentally.
COINCIDENTAL adv. resulting from a coincidence.
CONCENTRICALLYconcentrically adv. In a concentric manner.
CONCENTRICAL adv. having a common center, also CONCENTRIC.
CONFLICTINGLYconflictingly adv. In a conflicting fashion.
CONFLICTING adv. CONFLICT, to be in opposition.
CONJUNCTIONALLYconjunctionally adv. In a conjunctional manner; with regard to conjunction.
CONJUNCTIONAL adv. relating to conjunction.
ENDONUCLEOLYTICendonucleolytic adj. (Biochemistry) That cleaves nucleic acids in half by hydrolyzing the bonds between nucleotides.
ENDONUCLEOLYTIC adj. cleaving a nucleotide chain into two parts at an internal point.
NECROMANTICALLYnecromantically adv. By means of necromancy.
NECROMANTICAL adv. relating to necromancy, divination by trying to communicate with the spirits of the dead, also NECROMANTIC.
NONELECTRICALnonelectrical adj. Not electrical; not operated by electricity.
nonelectrical adj. Not capable of conducting electricity.
nonelectrical n. One who is not an electrical engineer.
NONELECTRICALSnonelectricals n. Plural of nonelectrical.
NONELECTRICAL n. a substance that does not generate or conduct electricity, also NONELECTRIC.
NONTECHNICALLYnontechnically adv. In a nontechnical manner.
PRECANCELLATIONprecancellation n. The act of precancelling.
PRECANCELLATION adj. preceding a cancellation.
SCINTILLISCANSCINTILLISCAN n. a 2-D image from a radioisotope scan, also SCINTISCAN.
SCINTILLISCANSSCINTILLISCAN n. a 2-D image from a radioisotope scan, also SCINTISCAN.
UNCALCULATINGuncalculating adj. Not calculating; not conniving; innocent.
UNCALCULATING adj. not based on or marked by calculation.
UNCINEMATICALLYuncinematically adv. In an uncinematic manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 486 words
  • Scrabble in French: 69 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 27 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 48 words

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