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There are 19 words containing C, 2M, N, O and 2U

COMMUNAUTAIRECOMMUNAUTAIRE n. a spirit or attitude in keeping with or appropriate to the aims and principles of the European Union.
COMMUNAUTAIRESCOMMUNAUTAIRE n. a spirit or attitude in keeping with or appropriate to the aims and principles of the European Union.
COMMUNIQUEcommunique n. Alternative form of communiqué.
communiqué n. An official report or statement, such as a government press release or the report of a conference.
COMMUNIQUE n. (French) an official communication; esp. an official statement reporting on a meeting, conference etc.
COMMUNIQUEScommuniques n. Misspelling of communiqués.
communiqués n. Plural of communiqué.
COMMUNIQUE n. (French) an official communication; esp. an official statement reporting on a meeting, conference etc.
CUMULONIMBIcumulonimbi n. Plural of cumulonimbus.
cumulo-nimbi n. Plural of cumulo-nimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
CUMULONIMBUScumulonimbus n. (Meteorology) A cloud, with a tall structure and a flat base, that is often associated with thunderstorms.
cumulo-nimbus n. Alternative form of cumulonimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
CUMULONIMBUSEScumulonimbuses n. Plural of cumulonimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
CUPRAMMONIUMcuprammonium n. (Inorganic chemistry) Synonym of cuproammonium.
CUPRAMMONIUM n. a solution of cupric hydroxide in ammonia.
CUPRAMMONIUMScuprammoniums n. Plural of cuprammonium.
CUPRAMMONIUM n. a solution of cupric hydroxide in ammonia.
MUCOMEMBRANOUSMUCOMEMBRANOUS adj. relating to the mucous membrane.
MULTICOLUMNmulticolumn adj. (Chiefly computing) Of or pertaining to more than one column.
MULTICOLUMN adj. having many columns.
MULTICOLUMNSSorry, definition not available.
SUBCOMMUNITIESsubcommunities n. Plural of subcommunity.
SUBCOMMUNITY n. a distinct grouping within a community.
SUBCOMMUNITYsubcommunity n. A community that exists as part of a larger community.
SUBCOMMUNITY n. a distinct grouping within a community.
UNCOMMUNICABLEuncommunicable adj. Impossible to communicate.
UNCOMMUNICABLE adj. incommunicable.
UNCOMMUNICATEDuncommunicated adj. That has not been communicated.
UNCOMMUNICATED adj. not communicated.
UNCOMMUNICATIVEuncommunicative adj. Tending not to communicate; not communicating.
UNCOMMUNICATIVE adj. not disposed to talk or impart information, also INCOMMUNICATIVE.
UNCOMMUTEDuncommuted adj. Not commuted.
UNCOMMUTED adj. not commuted.
UNCONSUMMATEDunconsummated adj. Not consummated.
UNCONSUMMATED adj. not consummated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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