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There are 19 words containing C, L, 2P, 2R and Y

CLAPTRAPPERYclaptrappery n. Claptrap; nonsense.
CLAPTRAPPERY n. nonsense, claptrap.
LAMPROPHYRIClamprophyric adj. Of or relating to lamprophyre.
LAMPROPHYRIC adj. of or like lamprophyre, a kind of basic igneous rock.
PRECOPULATORYprecopulatory adj. Before copulation.
PRECOPULATORY adj. preceding copulation.
PYROSULPHURICpyrosulphuric adj. (Britain) Alternative spelling of pyrosulfuric.
PYROSULPHURIC adj. as in pyrosulphuric acid, a type of acid.
APPRECIATORILYappreciatorily adv. (Obsolete, rare) With appreciation; appreciatively.
APPRECIATORY adv. showing appreciation.
HYPERTROPHICALhypertrophical adj. Alternative form of hypertrophic.
HYPERTROPHICAL adj. grown to an abnormal size, also HYPERTROPHIC.
POLYCARPELLARYpolycarpellary adj. (Botany) Composed of several or numerous carpels.
POLYCARPELLARY adj. of a plant gynoecium, having or consisting of many carpels.
PRESCRIPTIVELYprescriptively adv. In a prescriptive manner.
PRESCRIPTIVE adv. serving to prescribe; (law) acquired through uninterrupted possession.
PROCRYPTICALLYPROCRYPTIC adv. pertaining to or having protective coloration.
PROSCRIPTIVELYproscriptively adv. In a proscriptive manner.
PROSCRIPTIVE adv. relating to proscription.
PTERYLOGRAPHICpterylographic adj. Relating to pterylography.
PTERYLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to pterylography.
CRYPTOGRAPHICALcryptographical adj. Relating to cryptography; cryptographic.
CRYPTOGRAPHICAL adj. of, relating to, or using cryptography, also CRYPTOGRAPHIC.
HYPERMETROPICALhypermetropical adj. Synonym of hypermetropic.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLYimprescriptibly adv. In an imprescriptible manner; obviously.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLE adv. not liable to be lost by prescription; inalienable.
MICROSPOROPHYLLmicrosporophyll n. A leaflike organ that bears one or more microsporangia (contrast megasporophyll or macrosporophyll).
MICROSPOROPHYLL n. a specialised leaf bearing or subtending one or more microsporangia.
PARAGRAPHICALLYparagraphically adv. In paragraphs; divided into paragraphs.
PARAGRAPHICAL adv. relating to paragraphs, also PARAGRAPHIC.
PEROXYSULPHURICPEROXYSULPHURIC adj. as in peroxysulphuric acid.
PERPENDICULARLYperpendicularly adv. In a perpendicular manner.
PERPENDICULAR adv. at right angles to a line or plane.
POLYCHLOROPRENEpolychloroprene n. (Organic chemistry) A polymer of chloroprene.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 403 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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