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There are 18 words containing C, L, O, 2S, T and Z

CASUALIZATIONScasualizations n. Plural of casualization.
CASUALIZATION n. the process of casualizing, making regular workers into casual workers, also CASUALISATION.
ESCHSCHOLTZIAeschscholtzia n. Dated form of eschscholzia.
Eschscholtzia prop.n. Dated form of Eschscholzia.
ESCHSCHOLTZIA n. a flower of the poppy family, also ESCHSCHOLZIA.
ESCHSCHOLTZIASeschscholtzias n. Plural of eschscholtzia.
ESCHSCHOLTZIA n. a flower of the poppy family, also ESCHSCHOLZIA.
MUSICALIZATIONSmusicalizations n. Plural of musicalization.
MUSICALIZATION n. the process of musicalizing, also MUSICALISATION.
PLASTICIZATIONSplasticizations n. Plural of plasticization.
PLASTICIZATION n. the act of plasticizing, also PLASTICISATION.
SACERDOTALIZESsacerdotalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sacerdotalize.
SACERDOTALIZE v. to render sacerdotal, also SACERDOTALISE.
SACRALIZATIONSsacralizations n. Plural of sacralization.
SACRALIZATION n. the process of sacralizing, also SACRALISATION.
SCANDALIZATIONSscandalizations n. Plural of scandalization.
SCANDALIZATION n. the process of scandalizing, also SCANDALISATION.
SCHWARZLOTSSCHWARZLOT n. (German) a type of black enamel decoration on glass, porcelain etc.
SCLEROTIZATIONSsclerotizations n. Plural of sclerotization.
SCLEROTIZATION n. the cross-linking of chitin protein molecules to harden an insect's shell, also SCLEROTISATION.
SCLEROTIZESsclerotizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sclerotize.
SCLEROTIZE v. to harden or darken, also SCLEROTISE.
SECTIONALIZESsectionalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sectionalize.
SECTIONALIZE v. to divide into sections, also SECTIONALISE.
SECULARIZATIONSsecularizations n. Plural of secularization.
SECULARIZATION n. the act of rendering secular, also SECULARISATION.
SOCIALIZATIONSsocializations n. Plural of socialization.
SOCIALIZATION n. the act of socializing, also SOCIALISATION.
SPECIALIZATIONSspecializations n. Plural of specialization.
SPECIALIZATION n. the act of specializing, also SPECIALISATION.
SPLENECTOMIZESsplenectomizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of splenectomize.
SPLENECTOMIZE v. to remove the spleen, also SPLENECTOMISE.
ZYGODACTYLISMSZYGODACTYLISM n. the state of being zygodactylic, having two toes in front and two behind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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