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There are 18 words containing C, 3I, J, N and S

JINGOISTICjingoistic adj. Overly patriotic or nationalistic, often with an element of favouring war or an aggressive foreign policy.
JINGOISTIC adj. chauvinist, sabre-rattling, also JINGOISH.
INJUDICIOUSinjudicious adj. Showing poor judgement; not well judged.
INJUDICIOUS adj. not judicious.
JURISDICTIONjurisdiction n. The power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law.
jurisdiction n. The power or right to exercise authority.
jurisdiction n. The power or right to perform some action as part of applying the law.
DIJUDICATIONSdijudications n. Plural of dijudication.
DIJUDICATION n. a judgment.
INJUDICIOUSLYinjudiciously adv. In an injudicious manner.
INJUDICIOUS adv. not judicious.
JURISDICTIONSjurisdictions n. Plural of jurisdiction.
JURISDICTION n. the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law.
JUSTIFICATIONjustification n. (Countable) A reason, explanation, or excuse which someone believes provides convincing, morally acceptable…
justification n. (Christianity, uncountable) The forgiveness of sin.
justification n. (Typography, uncountable) The alignment of text to the left margin (left justification), the right margin…
OBJECTIVISINGobjectivising v. Present participle of objectivise.
OBJECTIVISE v. to make objective, also OBJECTIVIZE.
CONJUNCTIVITISconjunctivitis n. (Pathology) An inflammation of the conjunctiva, often due to infection.
CONJUNCTIVITIS n. inflammation of the conjunctiva.
JELLIFICATIONSjellifications n. Plural of jellification.
JELLIFICATION n. the act of jellifying.
JINGOISTICALLYjingoistically adv. (Manner) In a jingoistic manner.
JINGOISTIC adv. chauvinist, sabre-rattling, also JINGOISH.
JOLLIFICATIONSjollifications n. Plural of jollification.
JOLLIFICATION n. festivity, merrymaking.
JURISDICTIONALjurisdictional adj. Of or pertaining to jurisdiction.
JURISDICTIONAL adj. relating to jurisdiction, also JURISDICTIVE.
JUSTIFICATIONSjustifications n. Plural of justification.
JUSTIFICATION n. the act, process, or state of being justified by God.
SUBJECTIVISINGsubjectivising v. Present participle of subjectivise.
SUBJECTIVISE v. to make subjective, also SUBJECTIVIZE.
SUBJECTIVIZINGsubjectivizing v. Present participle of subjectivize.
SUBJECTIVIZE v. to make subjective, also SUBJECTIVISE.
INJUDICIOUSNESSinjudiciousness n. The state or condition of being injudicious.
INJUDICIOUSNESS n. the state of being injudicious.
MICROINJECTIONSmicroinjections n. Plural of microinjection.
MICROINJECTION n. an injection, e.g. into a single cell, performed under a microscope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 174 words
  • Scrabble in French: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 58 words

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