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There are 15 words containing C, H, M, S and 3T

ATTACHMENTSattachments n. Plural of attachment.
ATTACHMENT n. something attached.
ANTASTHMATICantasthmatic adj. (Pharmacology) Relieving the symptoms of asthma.
antasthmatic n. (Pharmacology) Drug that relieves the symptoms of asthma.
ANTASTHMATIC n. an agent that counteracts asthma, also ANTIASTHMATIC.
COTTONMOUTHScottonmouths n. Plural of cottonmouth.
COTTONMOUTH n. a venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern US.
THERMOSTATICthermostatic adj. Having or maintaining a consistent temperature.
thermostatic adj. (Physiology) Relating to thermostasis.
THERMOSTATIC adj. relating to thermal equilibrium.
ANTASTHMATICSantasthmatics n. Plural of antasthmatic.
ANTASTHMATIC n. an agent that counteracts asthma, also ANTIASTHMATIC.
ANTIASTHMATICantiasthmatic adj. Antasthmatic.
antiasthmatic n. Antasthmatic.
ANTIASTHMATIC n. a drug used to counter asthma, also ANTASTHMATIC.
CATHETOMETERScathetometers n. Plural of cathetometer.
CATHETOMETER n. an instrument for measuring short vertical distances.
REATTACHMENTSreattachments n. Plural of reattachment.
REATTACHMENT n. the act of reattaching.
THERMOSTATICSthermostatics n. (Physics) The part of thermodynamics that deals with reversible or infinitesimally small changes.
THERMOSTATICS n. the branch of science concerned with thermal equilibrium.
ANTIASTHMATICSantiasthmatics n. Plural of antiasthmatic.
ANTIASTHMATIC n. a drug used to counter asthma, also ANTASTHMATIC.
NONATTACHMENTSnonattachments n. Plural of nonattachment.
NONATTACHMENT n. absence of an attachment.
TETRACHOTOMIEStetrachotomies n. Plural of tetrachotomy.
TETRACHOTOMY n. division in fours.
TETRACHOTOMOUStetrachotomous adj. Dividing or branching into four equal pieces.
TETRACHOTOMOUS adj. divided into fours.
ANTITHROMBOTICSantithrombotics n. Plural of antithrombotic.
ANTITHROMBOTIC n. a drug effective against thrombosis.
METAMATHEMATICSmetamathematics n. A branch of mathematics dealing with mathematical systems and their nature.
METAMATHEMATICS n. a field of study concerned with the formal structure and properties (as the consistency and completeness of axioms) of mathematical systems.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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