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There are 12 words containing C, H, I, O and 3P

HIPPOCAMPIhippocampi n. Plural of hippocampus.
HIPPOCAMPUS n. one of two ridges along each lateral ventricle of the brain.
HIPPOCAMPALhippocampal adj. Pertaining to the hippocampus.
HIPPOCAMPAL adj. relating to the hippocampus.
HIPPOCAMPUShippocampus n. (Mythology) A mythological creature with the front head and forelimbs of a horse and the rear of a dolphin.
hippocampus n. (Neuroanatomy, anatomy) A part of the brain located inside the temporal lobe, consisting mainly of grey…
Hippocampus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Syngnathidae – the seahorses.
HYPNOPOMPIChypnopompic adj. Relating to the state of consciousness before becoming completely awake.
HYPNOPOMPIC adj. pertaining to the semiconscious state before waking.
HIPPOCREPIANhippocrepian n. One of an order of freshwater bryozoa (Phylactolaema or Lophopoda) in which the tentacles are on a lophophore…
hippocrepian n. Hippocrepiform.
HIPPOCREPIAN n. a type of bryozoan that has a lophophore shaped like a horseshoe.
HIPPOPOTAMIChippopotamic adj. Of or relating to a hippopotamus.
HIPPOPOTAMIC adj. like a hippopotamus, clumsy, also HIPPOPOTAMIAN.
HIPPOCREPIANShippocrepians n. Plural of hippocrepian.
HIPPOCREPIAN n. a type of bryozoan that has a lophophore shaped like a horseshoe.
PRECEPTORSHIPpreceptorship n. The rank or role of preceptor.
PRECEPTORSHIP n. the office of preceptor.
HYPOPHOSPHORIChypophosphoric adj. Of or pertaining to hypophosphoric acid or its derivatives.
HYPOPHOSPHORIC adj. as in hypophosphoric acid, a tetrabasic acid produced by the slow oxidation of phosphorus in moist ai.
POLYPHOSPHORICpolyphosphoric adj. (Chemistry) Used to describe polymeric phosphoric acids and their derivatives.
POLYPHOSPHORIC adj. as in polyphosphoric acid, any oxyacid of pentavalent phosphorus.
PRECEPTORSHIPSpreceptorships n. Plural of preceptorship.
PRECEPTORSHIP n. the office of preceptor.
PYROPHOSPHORICpyrophosphoric adj. Of, or relating to pyrophosphoric acid or its derivatives.
PYROPHOSPHORIC adj. as in pyrophosphoric acid, a type of acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 330 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 10 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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