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There are 10 words containing C, H, I, 2L, S and Z

ALCOHOLIZATIONSalcoholizations n. Plural of alcoholization.
ALCOHOLIZATION n. the process of alcoholizing, also ALCOHOLISATION.
ALCOHOLIZESalcoholizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of alcoholize.
ALCOHOLIZE v. to convert into or saturate with alcohol.
HYLOZOISTICALLYhylozoistically adv. In terms of hylozoism.
HYLOZOISTIC adv. relating to the belief that all matter has life.
SCHILLERIZATIONschillerization n. (Mineralogy) The act or process of producing schiller in a mineral mass.
SCHILLERIZATION n. the process of schillerizing, also SCHILLERISATION.
SCHILLERIZEschillerize v. To change so as to produce a metalic luster.
Schillerize v. To interpret or adapt based on the moral and aesthetic philosophy of Friedrich Schiller.
SCHILLERIZE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERISE.
SCHILLERIZEDschillerized v. Simple past tense and past participle of schillerize.
Schillerized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Schillerize.
SCHILLERIZE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERISE.
SCHILLERIZESschillerizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of schillerize.
Schillerizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Schillerize.
SCHILLERIZE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERISE.
SCHILLERIZINGschillerizing v. Present participle of schillerize.
Schillerizing v. Present participle of Schillerize.
SCHILLERIZE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERISE.
SCHLIMAZELschlimazel n. (Colloquial, chiefly US) A chronically unlucky person.
SCHLIMAZEL n. (Yiddish) an unlucky person; one with perpetual bad luck, also SHLIMAZEL.
SCHLIMAZELSschlimazels n. Plural of schlimazel.
SCHLIMAZEL n. (Yiddish) an unlucky person; one with perpetual bad luck, also SHLIMAZEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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