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There are 20 words containing C, G, M, N, P, R and Y

CRYPTOGAMIANcryptogamian adj. Of or relating to the cryptogams.
CRYPTOGAMIAN adj. of or like a cryptogam, also CRYPTOGAMIC.
MICROCOPYINGmicrocopying v. Present participle of microcopy.
MICROCOPYING n. the act of copying on microfilm.
MYRINGOSCOPEmyringoscope n. A device for examining the eardrum.
MYRINGOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the eardrum.
POLYCHROMINGpolychroming v. Present participle of polychrome.
POLYCHROME v. to colour in many colours.
PYROMAGNETICpyromagnetic adj. (Obsolete) that functions as a result of heat and magnetism.
PYROMAGNETIC adj. of or concerned with the relationship between heat and magnetism.
MICROCOPYINGSMICROCOPYING n. the act of copying on microfilm.
MYRINGOSCOPESmyringoscopes n. Plural of myringoscope.
MYRINGOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the eardrum.
PHARMACOGNOSYpharmacognosy n. A branch of pharmacology that studies medical substances that are derived from natural sources, and their recognition.
PHARMACOGNOSY n. the study of drugs of animal and plant origin.
POSTEMERGENCYpostemergency adj. After an emergency.
POSTEMERGENCY adj. following an emergency.
CINEMATOGRAPHYcinematography n. The art, process, or job of filming movies.
cinematography n. Motion picture photography.
CINEMATOGRAPHY n. the art or science of motion-picture photography.
COMPROMISINGLYcompromisingly adv. In a compromising manner.
COMPROMISING adv. exposing to the risk of scandal.
COPOLYMERISINGcopolymerising v. Present participle of copolymerise.
COPOLYMERISE v. to make into a copolymer, also COPOLYMERIZE.
COPOLYMERIZINGcopolymerizing v. Present participle of copolymerize.
COPOLYMERIZE v. to make into a copolymer, also COPOLYMERISE.
CINEMICROGRAPHYcinemicrography n. Alternative form of cinephotomicrography.
CINEMICROGRAPHY n. cinematographic recording of changes under the microscope.
GRAMOPHONICALLYgramophonically adv. By means of a gramophone.
GRAMOPHONIC adv. relating to gramophones.
GYNANDROMORPHICgynandromorphic adj. (Of an organism) Having male and female characteristics.
GYNANDROMORPHIC adj. of or like a gynandromorph, an animal having both male and female characteristics.
MALACOPTERYGIANmalacopterygian n. (Archaic) (zoology) Any of the obsolete order of fish Malacopterygii.
MALACOPTERYGIAN adj. belonging to the Malacopterygii, a soft-finned suborder of bony fishes, including herrings and salmon.
MONOGRAPHICALLYmonographically adv. In a monographic manner; in the manner of a scholarly book or a treatise on a single subject or group of subjects.
MONOGRAPHICAL adv. of or like a monograph, also MONOGRAPHIC.
NOMOGRAPHICALLYnomographically adv. In a nomographic manner.
NOMOGRAPHICAL adv. of or like a nomograph, also NOMOGRAPHIC.
PHONOGRAMICALLYPHONOGRAMIC adv. like a phonogram, a character representing a sound, also PHONOGRAMMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 444 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
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