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There are 20 words containing C, F, 2L, O, S and Y

SCORNFULLYscornfully adv. In a scornful manner.
SCORNFUL adv. expressing contempt.
CYCLOOLEFINScycloolefins n. Plural of cycloolefin.
CYCLOOLEFIN n. a hydrocarbon containing a ring having one or more double bonds.
FALLACIOUSLYfallaciously adv. In a fallacious manner, erroneously, illogically.
FALLACIOUS adv. embodying or pertaining to a fallacy.
FELICITOUSLYfelicitously adv. In a felicitous manner.
FELICITOUS adv. happy; prosperous.
FORENSICALLYforensically adv. In a forensic manner.
forensically adv. Regarding forensics, or forensic science.
FORENSIC adv. belonging to courts of law.
FROLICSOMELYfrolicsomely adv. In a frolicsome manner.
FROLICSOME adv. given to pranks; sportive.
SCROFULOUSLYscrofulously adv. Morally degenerate; corrupt.
SCROFULOUS adv. afflicted with scrofula.
COMFORTLESSLYcomfortlessly adv. In a comfortless manner.
COMFORTLESS adv. without comfort.
FLORISTICALLYfloristically adv. In a floristic manner; according to flora.
floristically adv. With regard to floristry.
FLORISTIC adv. relating to flora.
FLUORESCENTLYfluorescently adv. In a fluorescent manner; using fluorescence.
RESOURCEFULLYresourcefully adv. In a resourceful manner.
RESOURCEFUL adv. able to meet situations.
SCALARIFORMLYscalariformly adv. In a scalariform manner.
SCALARIFORM adv. shaped like a ladder.
SOPORIFICALLYsoporifically adv. In a soporific manner.
SOPORIFIC adv. tending to produce sleep.
CONFESSIONALLYconfessionally adv. With regard to religious confession; denominationally, religiously.
CONFESSIONAL adv. relating to confession.
FRICTIONLESSLYfrictionlessly adv. In a frictionless way; without friction.
FRICTIONLESS adv. without friction.
INFELICITOUSLYinfelicitously adv. In a way that is infelicitous or unfortunate.
INFELICITOUS adv. inappropriate in application or expression.
SEMIOFFICIALLYsemiofficially adv. In a semiofficial capacity.
SEMIOFFICIAL adv. having some official authority or standing.
FORMALISTICALLYformalistically adv. In a formalistic manner.
FORMALISTIC adv. relating to formalism.
NONSPECIFICALLYnonspecifically adv. In a nonspecific manner.
NONSPECIFIC adv. of a disease, not caused by any specific, identifiable agent.
SYLLABIFICATIONsyllabification n. The division of a word into syllables.
SYLLABIFICATION n. the act of dividing words into syllables, also SYLLABICATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 306 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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