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There are 19 words containing C, F, H, I, O, P and S

CHILDPROOFSchildproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of childproof.
CHILDPROOF v. to make an environment safe for a child, or safe from a child.
CHLORPYRIFOSchlorpyrifos n. A crystalline organophosphate insecticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase.[diethoxy-sulfanylidene-(3,5,6-trichloropy…
CHLORPYRIFOSESSorry, definition not available.
CONFESSORSHIPconfessorship n. The condition of a person who continues to confess their faith when suffering persecution.
CONFESSORSHIP n. the office of confessor.
CONFESSORSHIPSconfessorships n. Plural of confessorship.
CONFESSORSHIP n. the office of confessor.
COPYFIGHTScopyfights n. Plural of copyfight.
copyfights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of copyfight.
COPYFIGHT n. the conflict between copyright holders and other individuals over the use, distribution and replication of copyright materials.
FACTORSHIPfactorship n. The business of a factor.
FACTORSHIP n. the business of a factor.
FACTORSHIPSfactorships n. Plural of factorship.
FACTORSHIP n. the business of a factor.
FRACTOGRAPHIESfractographies n. Plural of fractography.
FRACTOGRAPHY n. the microscopic study of fractures in metal surfaces.
FRANCOPHILESfrancophiles n. Plural of francophile.
Francophiles n. Plural of Francophile.
FRANCOPHILE n. a lover of France and French things, also FRANCOPHIL.
FRANCOPHILSFRANCOPHIL n. a lover of France and French things, also FRANCOPHILE.
FRANCOPHOBIASFRANCOPHOBIA n. fear of France or the French.
HETEROSPECIFICheterospecific adj. (Systematics) Of or belonging to a different species.
heterospecific n. An organism belonging to a different species to another.
HETEROSPECIFIC n. an organism of a different species or group.
HETEROSPECIFICSheterospecifics n. Plural of heterospecific.
HETEROSPECIFIC n. an organism of a different species or group.
HYPERFUNCTIONShyperfunctions n. Plural of hyperfunction.
HYPERFUNCTION n. the overactivity of a gland or other bodily organ.
INFOGRAPHICSinfographics n. The visual representation of data.
infographics n. Plural of infographic.
INFOGRAPHIC n. a graph, diagram, or other visual image designed to present complex information in an easily understandable form.
PITCHFORKSpitchforks n. Plural of pitchfork.
Pitchforks prop.n. Plural of Pitchfork.
PITCHFORK v. to toss with a pitchfork.
SCYPHIFORMscyphiform adj. (Botany) Shaped like a cup.
SCYPHIFORM adj. cup-shaped.
SPEECHIFICATIONspeechification n. (Derogatory or humorous) The act of speechifying.
SPEECHIFICATION n. the making of speeches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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