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There are 18 words containing C, E, 2P, R and 2U

UPPERCUTuppercut n. (Boxing) A swinging blow aimed upwards at the opponent’s chin.
uppercut n. (Cricket) A cut shot that sends the ball over the wicket-keeper’s head.
uppercut v. To strike with an uppercut.
UPPERCUTSuppercuts n. Plural of uppercut.
uppercuts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uppercut.
upper␣cuts n. Plural of upper cut.
PERSPICUOUSperspicuous adj. Clearly expressed, easy to understand; lucid.
perspicuous adj. (Logic) Of a language or notation, such as that of formal propositional calculus: where the process…
perspicuous adj. (Rare) Transparent; translucent.
PREPUNCTUALprepunctual adj. Excessively prompt; early.
PREPUNCTUAL adj. more than punctual; coming before time.
PERSULPHURICPERSULPHURIC adj. denoting a type of acid, also PERSULFURIC.
UPPERCUTTINGuppercutting v. Present participle of uppercut.
UPPERCUT v. to strike an upward blow.
LIPOSCULPTUREliposculpture n. A form of liposuction that uses ultrasound to first break up the fat.
LIPOSCULPTURE n. cosmetic surgery on the lips.
PERSPICUOUSLYperspicuously adv. With clarity and lucidity.
PERSPICUOUS adv. easily understood; clearly expressed.
PLEUROCARPOUSpleurocarpous adj. (Botany) Side-fruited; said of those true mosses in which the pedicels or capsules are from lateral archegonia.
PLEUROCARPOUS adj. of mosses, having the archegonia on short lateral branches.
PSEUDOCARPOUSPSEUDOCARPOUS adj. of or like a pseudocarp.
SUPERCOMPUTERsupercomputer n. (Computing) Any computer that has a far greater processing power than others of its generation; typically…
SUPERCOMPUTER n. a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
UNPREOCCUPIEDunpreoccupied adj. Not preoccupied.
UNPREOCCUPIED adj. not preoccupied.
LIPOSCULPTURESLIPOSCULPTURE n. cosmetic surgery on the lips.
SUPERCOMPUTERSsupercomputers n. Plural of supercomputer.
SUPERCOMPUTER n. a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
SUPERCOMPUTINGsupercomputing n. (Computing) The design and use of supercomputers.
SUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
PEROXYSULPHURICPEROXYSULPHURIC adj. as in peroxysulphuric acid.
PERSPICUOUSNESSperspicuousness n. The state or characteristic of being perspicuous; perspicuity.
PERSPICUOUSNESS n. the state of being perspicuous.
SUPERCOMPUTINGSSUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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