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There are 15 words containing C, E, I, O, P, R and W

COPYWRITERcopywriter n. (Marketing, advertising) A person who writes advertising copy (the text used in advertisements).
copy␣writer n. A writer of advertising copy.
COPYWRITER n. a writer of advertising or publicity copy.
COPYWRITERScopywriters n. Plural of copywriter.
copy␣writers n. Plural of copy writer.
COPYWRITER n. a writer of advertising or publicity copy.
CROWNPIECEcrownpiece n. A strap in the bridle that goes over the horse’s head just behind the animal’s ears.
CROWNPIECE n. the strap of a bridle that goes over a horse's head behind the ears.
CROWNPIECEScrownpieces n. Plural of crownpiece.
CROWNPIECE n. the strap of a bridle that goes over a horse's head behind the ears.
MICROPOWERmicropower n. (Sometimes attributive) The generation, storage and use of extremely small amounts of power.
MICROPOWER n. generating, using, or relating to small amounts of power.
MICROPOWERSMICROPOWER n. generating, using, or relating to small amounts of power.
PIECEWORKpiecework n. Alternative spelling of piece work.
piece␣work n. Work that a worker is paid for according to the number of units produced, rather than the number of…
PIECEWORK n. work paid for by the piece or quantity, not by time.
PIECEWORKERpieceworker n. A worker who is paid according to the number of units of work produced.
PIECEWORKER n. one who does piecework.
PIECEWORKERSpieceworkers n. Plural of pieceworker.
PIECEWORKER n. one who does piecework.
PIECEWORKSPIECEWORK n. work paid for by the piece or quantity, not by time.
PROVINCEWIDEprovincewide adj. Throughout a province.
PROVINCEWIDE adj. extending throughout a province.
WHIPCORDIERWHIPCORDY adj. like whipcord, a fabric with bold twill used for making dresses.
WHIPCORDIESTWHIPCORDY adj. like whipcord, a fabric with bold twill used for making dresses.
WORKPIECEworkpiece n. (Machining, woodworking, etc.) The raw material or partially finished piece that is shaped by performing…
WORKPIECE n. a piece of work in progress.
WORKPIECESworkpieces n. Plural of workpiece.
WORKPIECE n. a piece of work in progress.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 565 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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