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There are 15 words containing C, E, F, I, M, R and Y

CHYMIFEROUSchymiferous adj. Bearing or containing chyme.
CHYMIFEROUS adj. containing chyme.
CLYPEIFORMclypeiform adj. Shield-shaped; clypeate.
CLYPEIFORM adj. shaped like a buckler, a round shield, also CLYPEATE.
CONFIRMEDLYconfirmedly adv. In a manner that is confirmed; definitely, as has been demonstrated.
CONFIRMED adv. CONFIRM, to assure the validity of.
CYMIFEROUScymiferous adj. (Botany) Producing cymes.
CYMIFEROUS adj. bearing cymes.
DIFFRACTOMETRYdiffractometry n. The elucidation of the structures of crystalline materials by the use of X-ray diffraction.
DIFFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by diffractometer.
FIDEICOMMISSARYfideicommissary n. (Law, ancient Rome) the beneficiary of a fideicommissum.
FIDEICOMMISSARY adj. relating to a fideicommissum.
FROLICSOMELYfrolicsomely adv. In a frolicsome manner.
FROLICSOME adv. given to pranks; sportive.
IMPERFECTIVELYimperfectively adv. (Grammar) In an imperfective manner or context.
IMPERFECTIVE adv. expressing action as incomplete or without reference to completion or as reiterated.
IMPERFECTLYimperfectly adv. In an imperfect manner or degree; not fully or completely.
IMPERFECT adv. not perfect, also UNPERFECT.
MERCIFULLYmercifully adv. In a merciful manner.
mercifully adv. Thankfully.
MERCIFUL adv. full of mercy.
MERCIFYmercify v. (Obsolete, rare, transitive) To have mercy on; to pity.
MERCIFY v. (Spenser) to show pity.
MERCIFYINGmercifying v. Present participle of mercify.
MERCIFY v. (Spenser) to show pity.
MULTIFREQUENCYmultifrequency adj. Of or pertaining to multiple frequencies.
MULTIFREQUENCY adj. having many frequencies.
MYELOFIBROTICmyelofibrotic adj. Relating to myelofibrosis.
MYELOFIBROTIC adj. relating to myelofibrosis, an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
UNMERCIFULLYunmercifully adv. In an unmerciful manner.
UNMERCIFUL adv. not merciful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 358 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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