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There are 19 words containing C, 2E, H, N, O and X

CHALCEDONYXESCHALCEDONYX n. an agate of alternating white opaque and greyish transparent chalcedony.
CHEMOTAXONOMIESchemotaxonomies n. Plural of chemotaxonomy.
CHEMOTAXONOMY n. the classification of plants and animals based on similarities and differences in biochemical composition.
CHICKENPOXESchickenpoxes n. Plural of chickenpox.
chicken␣poxes n. Plural of chicken pox.
CHICKENPOX n. a contagious febrile disease, chiefly affecting children, not unlike a mild form of smallpox.
CHLORHEXIDINEchlorhexidine n. (Pharmacology) A particular chemical antiseptic and bacteriostatic.
CHLORHEXIDINE n. an antiseptic compound used in skin cleansers, mouthwashes, etc.
CHLORHEXIDINESCHLORHEXIDINE n. an antiseptic compound used in skin cleansers, mouthwashes, etc.
CHOENIXESchoenixes n. Plural of choenix.
chœnixes n. Plural of chœnix.
CHOENIX n. (Greek) an ancient Greek measurement.
CYCLOHEXANEcyclohexane n. (Organic chemistry) An alicyclic hydrocarbon, C6H12, consisting of a ring of six carbon atoms; a volatile…
CYCLOHEXANE n. a pungent saturated cyclic hydrocarbon found in petroleum or made synthetically and used chiefly as a solvent and in organic synthesis.
CYCLOHEXANEScyclohexanes n. Plural of cyclohexane.
CYCLOHEXANE n. a pungent saturated cyclic hydrocarbon found in petroleum or made synthetically and used chiefly as a solvent and in organic synthesis.
CYCLOHEXANONEcyclohexanone n. (Organic chemistry) The alicyclic ketone obtained from cyclohexane by the replacement of a methylene…
CYCLOHEXANONE n. a liquid ketone used esp. as a solvent and in organic synthesis.
CYCLOHEXANONEScyclohexanones n. Plural of cyclohexanone.
CYCLOHEXANONE n. a liquid ketone used esp. as a solvent and in organic synthesis.
CYCLOHEXYLAMINEcyclohexylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The primary amine derived from cyclohexane by replacing a hydrogen atom by an amino…
CYCLOHEXYLAMINE n. a colorless liquid amine that is used in organic synthesis and to prevent corrosion in boilers and that is believed to be harmful as a metabolic breakdown product of cyclamate.
HEXACHLORETHANEhexachlorethane n. Alternative form of hexachloroethane.
HEXACHLORETHANE n. a toxic crystalline compound used in smoke bombs.
HEXACHLOROPHANEHEXACHLOROPHANE n. a bactericide used in antiseptic soaps, deodorants etc., also HEXACHLOROPHENE.
HEXACHLOROPHENEhexachlorophene n. (Organic chemistry) A polyhalogenated compound, 2,2’-methylenebis(3,4,6-trichlorophenol)-3,4,6-trichloro-2-[(2,3,5-tric…
HEXACHLOROPHENE n. a bactericide used in antiseptic soaps, deodorants etc., also HEXACHLOROPHANE.
HEXADECANOIChexadecanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexadecanoic acid or its derivatives.
HEXADECANOIC adj. as in hexadecanoic acid, a fatty acid, aka palmitic acid.
HEXYLRESORCINOLhexylresorcinol n. (Organic chemistry) A hexyl derivative of resorcinol that has anaesthetic, antiseptic and antihelmintic properties.
HEXYLRESORCINOL n. a crystalline phenol used as an antiseptic and anthelmintic.
HIERACOSPHINXEShieracosphinxes n. Plural of hieracosphinx.
HIERACOSPHINX n. in ancient Egyptian art, a hawk-headed sphinx.
HYPEREXCRETIONhyperexcretion n. (Medicine) Excessive excretion.
HYPEREXCRETION n. excessive excretion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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