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There are 20 words containing C, 2E, F, H and 2T

AFTERTOUCHESaftertouches n. Plural of aftertouch.
CUTTLEFISHEScuttlefishes n. Plural of cuttlefish.
CUTTLEFISH n. any cephalopod mollusc of the genus Sepia.
ETHERIFICATIONetherification n. (Organic chemistry) The process of making an ether, especially the removal of alcohols from petroleum…
ETHERIFICATION n. the act of etherifying, converting into ether.
ETHERIFICATIONSetherifications n. Plural of etherification.
ETHERIFICATION n. the act of etherifying, converting into ether.
FACTSHEETfactsheet n. Alternative spelling of fact sheet.
fact␣sheet n. A printed presentation of data that shows the most important or relevant facts in a simple, easy-to-read manner.
FACTSHEET n. a printed sheet containing information relating to items covered in a television or radio program.
FACTSHEETSfactsheets n. Plural of factsheet.
fact␣sheets n. Plural of fact sheet.
FACTSHEET n. a printed sheet containing information relating to items covered in a television or radio program.
FEATHERSTITCHfeatherstitch n. A kind of embroidery stitch made of open, looped stitches worked alternately to the right and left of a central rib.
featherstitch v. To make stitches of this kind.
FEATHERSTITCH n. an embroidery stitch consisting of a line of diagonal blanket stitches worked alternately to the left and right.
FEATHERSTITCHEDfeatherstitched v. Simple past tense and past participle of featherstitch.
FEATHERSTITCH v. to stitch with featherstitch.
FEATHERSTITCHESfeatherstitches n. Plural of featherstitch.
featherstitches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of featherstitch.
FEATHERSTITCH n. an embroidery stitch consisting of a line of diagonal blanket stitches worked alternately to the left and right.
FESTSCHRIFTENfestschriften n. Plural of festschrift.
Festschriften n. Plural of Festschrift.
FESTSCHRIFT n. (German) a volume of writing by different authors presented as a tribute or memorial esp. to a scholar.
FIANCHETTOEDfianchettoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO v. to develop the bishop.
FIANCHETTOESfianchettoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO v. to develop the bishop.
FLECHETTEflechette n. A small sharp antipersonnel projectile, used as shrapnel, fired from a shotgun, or scattered from an aircraft.
flechette n. (Dated, uncountable) The game of lawn darts.
fléchette n. Alternative form of flechette.
FLECHETTESflechettes n. Plural of flechette.
fléchettes n. Plural of fléchette.
FLECHETTE n. (French) a steel dart dropped from an aeroplane or fired from a gun.
FOURCHETTEfourchette n. (Anatomy) A fork-shaped structure, specifically the fold of skin where the labia minora meet above the…
fourchette n. A fork-shaped instrument or device, specifically the forked structure between two fingers of a glove.
fourchette n. (Surgery) An instrument used to raise and support the tongue during the cutting of the frenulum.
FOURCHETTESfourchettes n. Plural of fourchette.
FOURCHETTE n. (French) a forked reinforcement on the backs of gloves.
PHOTOREFRACTIVEphotorefractive adj. (Physics) of or relating to a change in refractive index in the presence of light.
PHOTOREFRACTIVE adj. designating or relating to surgical procedures in which a laser is used to reshape the cornea and correct refractive errors such as myopia or astigmatism; esp. in photorefractive keratectomy.
THENCEFORTHthenceforth adv. From that time on.
THENCEFORTH adv. from that time forward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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