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There are 15 words containing C, D, N, 3R and U

COUNTERORDERcounterorder n. An order (command) made in opposition to a previous one.
counterorder v. To issue a counterorder.
COUNTERORDER v. to issue an order contradicting a previous order.
COUNTERORDEREDcounterordered v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterorder.
COUNTERORDER v. to issue an order contradicting a previous order.
COUNTERORDERINGcounterordering v. Present participle of counterorder.
COUNTERORDER v. to issue an order contradicting a previous order.
COUNTERORDERScounterorders n. Plural of counterorder.
COUNTERORDER v. to issue an order contradicting a previous order.
COUNTERREFORMEDCOUNTERREFORM v. to make a reform designed to counter another reform.
REDCURRANTredcurrant n. Alternative spelling of red currant.
red-currant n. Alternative spelling of red currant.
red␣currant n. A deciduous shrub, Ribes rubrum, native to western Europe; any of certain cultivars of the shrub.
REDCURRANTSredcurrants n. Plural of redcurrant.
red-currants n. Plural of red-currant.
red␣currants n. Plural of red currant.
REINCURREDreincurred v. Simple past tense and past participle of reincur.
REINCUR v. to incur again.
UNCORROBORATEDuncorroborated adj. Not corroborated.
UNCORROBORATED adj. not corroborated.
UNDERCARRIAGEundercarriage n. The supporting structural framework of a vehicle.
undercarriage n. The landing gear of an aircraft.
undercarriage n. (Euphemistic) The genitalia.
UNDERCARRIAGESundercarriages n. Plural of undercarriage.
UNDERCARRIAGE n. a supporting framework or underside (as of an automobile).
UNDERCRACKERSundercrackers n. (UK, informal) Men’s underpants.
UNDERCRACKERS n. (slang) underwear.
UNDERCURRENTundercurrent n. A current of water which flows under the surface, and often in a different direction from surface currents.
undercurrent n. (Figuratively) A tendency of feeling or opinion that is concealed rather than exposed.
undercurrent v. (Transitive, also figuratively) To flow under some surface.
UNDERCURRENTSundercurrents n. Plural of undercurrent.
undercurrents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undercurrent.
UNDERCURRENT n. a current below the upper currents or surface.
UNDERSECRETARYundersecretary n. An administrator immediately subordinate to a head of a government department or to a member of a cabinet.
undersecretary n. An assistant or deputy secretary of a government department in the Philippines and some other countries.
Under␣Secretary n. Alternative spelling of undersecretary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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