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There are 14 words containing C, D, H, M, O and 2Y

HYDROMANCYhydromancy n. Divination by water or other liquid.
HYDROMANCY n. divination by the appearance or motion of liquids (as water).
HYDRODYNAMIChydrodynamic adj. (Physics) Of, or relating to the science of hydrodynamics.
hydrodynamic adj. Operated by the force of water in motion.
HYDRODYNAMIC adj. of, relating to, or involving principles of hydrodynamics, also HYDRODYNAMICAL.
RHYTIDECTOMYrhytidectomy n. (Surgery) Plastic surgery to reduce the visible signs of aging in the face by removing wrinkles.
RHYTIDECTOMY n. the surgical removal of wrinkles.
HYDRODYNAMICShydrodynamics n. (Physics) The scientific study of fluids in motion.
HYDRODYNAMICS n. the study of movement in liquids, also HYDROMECHANICS.
PSYCHODYNAMICpsychodynamic adj. Of or pertaining to psychodynamics, the dynamic interplay between forces that govern human behavior…
PSYCHODYNAMIC adj. concerning psychological motives and causation.
THYROIDECTOMYthyroidectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid gland.
THYROIDECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the thyroid gland.
CARDIOMYOPATHYcardiomyopathy n. (Pathology) The deterioration of the myocardium.
CARDIOMYOPATHY n. any of several structural or functional diseases of heart muscle marked esp. by hypertrophy and obstructive damage to the heart.
HYDRODYNAMICALhydrodynamical adj. Hydrodynamic.
HYDRODYNAMICAL adj. of, relating to, or involving principles of hydrodynamics, also HYDRODYNAMIC.
HYPODERMICALLYhypodermically adv. By hypodermic means.
HYPODERMIC adv. of or pertaining to the parts under the skin.
MYOCARDIOPATHYmyocardiopathy n. (Pathology) Any disease of the myocardium.
MYOCARDIOPATHY n. any noninflammatory disease of the myocardium.
PSYCHODYNAMICSpsychodynamics n. The dynamic interplay between forces that govern human behaviour.
PSYCHODYNAMICS n. the psychology of mental or emotional forces or processes developing especially in early childhood and their effects on behaviour and mental states.
HEMODYNAMICALLYhemodynamically adv. With regard to hemodynamics.
HEMODYNAMIC adv. relating to hemodynamics, also HAEMODYNAMIC.
HYDRODYNAMICISThydrodynamicist n. One who studies hydrodynamics.
HYDRODYNAMICIST n. a student of hydrodynamics.
HYDROMETRICALLYhydrometrically adv. By means of hydrometry.
HYDROMETRICAL adv. relating to measurement by hydrometer, also HYDROMETRIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 232 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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