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There are 7 words containing C, D, 2G, I, O and P

DECOUPAGINGdecoupaging v. Present participle of decoupage.
DECOUPAGE v. to apply paper cutouts to wood surfaces.
GEODEMOGRAPHICSgeodemographics n. Geodemography.
GEODEMOGRAPHICS n. the study and grouping of the people in a geographical area according to socioeconomic criteria, esp. for market research.
PAEDAGOGICpaedagogic adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative form of pedagogic.
pædagogic adj. Obsolete form of pedagogic.
PAEDAGOGIC adj. like a paedagogue, also PEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGICAL.
PEDAGOGICpedagogic adj. Synonym of pedagogical.
PEDAGOGIC adj. like a pedagogue, also PAEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGICAL.
PEDAGOGICALpedagogical adj. Of, or relating to pedagogy; teaching.
pedagogical adj. Haughty and formal.
PEDAGOGICAL adj. of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education, also PAEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGIC.
PEDAGOGICALLYpedagogically adv. In a pedagogical manner, like a pedagogue.
PEDAGOGICAL adv. of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education, also PAEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGIC.
PEDAGOGICSpedagogics n. The science or art of teaching; pedagogy.
PEDAGOGICS n. the science and principles of teaching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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