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There are 7 words containing 2C, M, 2S, T and V

CLICKTIVISMSCLICKTIVISM n. a policy of using the internet to take direct and often militant action to achieve a political or social aim.
COLLECTIVISMScollectivisms n. Plural of collectivism.
COLLECTIVISM n. the doctrine of communal control of means of production.
CONSTRUCTIVISMconstructivism n. (Art) A Russian movement in modern art characterized by the creation of nonrepresentational geometric…
constructivism n. (Mathematics) A philosophy that asserts the need to construct a mathematical object to prove it exists.
constructivism n. (Philosophy, psychology) A psychological epistemology which argues that humans generate knowledge and…
CONSTRUCTIVISMSconstructivisms n. Plural of constructivism.
CONSTRUCTIVISM n. a nonobjective art movement originating in Russia and concerned with formal organization of planes and expression of volume in terms of modern industrial materials such as glass and plastic.
CONVICTISMSCONVICTISM n. the policy or practice of transporting convicts to penal settlements.
VISCOSIMETRICviscosimetric adj. Alternative form of viscometric.
VISCOSIMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by viscosimeter, an instrument for measuring viscosity, also VISCOSIMETRICAL.
VISCOSIMETRICALVISCOSIMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by viscosimeter, an instrument for measuring viscosity, also VISCOSIMETRIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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