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There are 20 words containing 2C, L, N, T, U and V

INCULCATIVEinculcative adj. Serving to inculcate.
INCULCATIVE adj. serving to inculcate.
VULCANICITYvulcanicity n. The quality or state of being volcanic.
vulcanicity n. The level of power of a volcano.
VULCANICITY n. the state of being vulcanic, also VOLCANICITY.
CONDUCTIVELYconductively adv. In a conductive manner.
conductively adv. By means of conduction.
CONDUCTIVE adv. having the power of conducting.
CONJUNCTIVALconjunctival adj. (Relational) Of or relating to the conjunctiva.
conjunctival adj. Serving to join or connect.
CONJUNCTIVAL adj. relating to the conjunctiva, the membrane lining the eyelid and joining it with the eyeball.
COCULTIVATINGcocultivating v. Present participle of cocultivate.
COCULTIVATE v. to cultivate together.
COCULTIVATIONcocultivation n. (Biology) The simultaneous cultivation of two or more species of microorganism, or types of tissue…
COCULTIVATION n. the act of cocultivating.
CONJUNCTIVELYconjunctively adv. In a conjunctive way.
CONJUNCTIVE adv. joining.
CONSECUTIVELYconsecutively adv. In a consecutive manner; without interruption.
CONSECUTIVE adv. following one after the other in order.
VULCANICITIESvulcanicities n. Plural of vulcanicity.
VULCANICITY n. the state of being vulcanic, also VOLCANICITY.
CIRCUMVOLUTIONcircumvolution n. The act of revolution, rotation or gyration around an axis.
circumvolution n. Anything winding or sinuous.
CIRCUMVOLUTION n. anything winding or sinuous.
COCULTIVATIONScocultivations n. Plural of cocultivation.
COCULTIVATION n. the act of cocultivating.
CONSTRUCTIVELYconstructively adv. In a constructive manner.
CONSTRUCTIVE adv. serving to construct.
CIRCUMVALLATINGcircumvallating v. Present participle of circumvallate.
CIRCUMVALLATE v. to surround with a rampart or fortification.
CIRCUMVALLATIONcircumvallation n. A rampart or other defensive entrenchment that entirely encircles the position being defended.
CIRCUMVALLATION n. a surrounding with a wall.
CIRCUMVOLUTIONScircumvolutions n. Plural of circumvolution.
CIRCUMVOLUTION n. anything winding or sinuous.
COMMUNICATIVELYcommunicatively adv. In a communicative manner.
COMMUNICATIVE adv. tending to communicate.
COUNTERACTIVELYcounteractively adv. In a counteractive manner.
COUNTERACTIVE adv. serving to counteract.
COUNTERVIOLENCEcounterviolence n. Violence in response to earlier violence.
COUNTERVIOLENCE n. violence in response to violence.
INTERCLAVICULARinterclavicular adj. Between clavicles.
interclavicular adj. Of or pertaining to the interclavicle.
INTERCLAVICULAR adj. relating to the interclavicle, a bone between and beneath the clavicles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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