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There are 18 words containing 2C, L, 2N and 2T

CENTUPLICATINGcentuplicating v. Present participle of centuplicate.
CENTUPLICATE v. to centuple.
CENTUPLICATIONcentuplication n. Multiplication by one hundred.
CENTUPLICATION n. multiplication a hundredfold.
CENTUPLICATIONScentuplications n. Plural of centuplication.
CENTUPLICATION n. multiplication a hundredfold.
CONCENTRATEDLYconcentratedly adv. In a concentrated way.
CONCENTRATED adv. CONCENTRATE, to bring or direct toward a common center or objective.
CONCENTRATIVELYconcentratively adv. In a concentrative manner.
CONCENTRATIVE adv. tending to concentrate.
CONCOMITANTLYconcomitantly adv. At the same time as something else.
concomitantly adv. Incidentally to something else.
CONCOMITANT adv. accompanying esp. in a subordinate or incidental way.
CONSTRUCTIONALconstructional adj. Of, pertaining to, or obtained by construction.
CONSTRUCTIONAL adj. relating to construction.
CONTRACTIONALcontractional adj. Of or related to contraction.
CONTRACTIONAL adj. relating to contraction, also CONTRACTIONARY.
COUNTERCLAIMANTcounterclaimant n. One who makes a counterclaim.
COUNTERCLAIMANT n. one making a counterclaim.
FUNCTIONALISTICfunctionalistic adj. Pertaining to functionalism.
FUNCTIONALISTIC adj. relating to functionalism.
INTERELECTRONICinterelectronic adj. Between electrons; interelectron.
INTERELECTRONIC adj. operating between electrons.
NOCTILUCENTnoctilucent adj. (Meteorology) Shining or glowing at night, especially of very high-altitude clouds that reflect sunlight…
NOCTILUCENT adj. shining in the dark, often used of clouds that are luminous at night, also NOCTILUCOUS.
NONCONTRACTUALnoncontractual adj. Not contractual.
NONCONTRACTUAL adj. not contractual.
NONTACTICALnontactical adj. Not tactical.
NONTACTICAL adj. not tactical.
NUCLEOSYNTHETICnucleosynthetic adj. Of or pertaining to nucleosynthesis.
NUCLEOSYNTHETIC adj. relating to nucleosynthesis.
TELECONNECTIONteleconnection n. (Meteorology) A causal link between two or more distant weather systems.
TELECONNECTION n. connection by telephone line.
TELECONNECTIONSteleconnections n. Plural of teleconnection.
TELECONNECTION n. connection by telephone line.
THYROCALCITONINthyrocalcitonin n. (Biochemistry) Alternative form of calcitonin.
THYROCALCITONIN n. a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, controlling the rate of bone destruction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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