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There are 19 words containing 2C, L, M, 2N and S

BACCHANALIANISMbacchanalianism n. The practice of bacchanalians; bacchanals; drunken revelry.
BACCHANALIANISM n. wild revelry.
BIOLUMINESCENCEbioluminescence n. (Biology, biochemistry) The emission of light by a living organism (such as a firefly).
BIOLUMINESCENCE n. the emission of light from living organisms.
CLINDAMYCINSCLINDAMYCIN n. an antibiotic drug used for serious infections that do not respond to other antibiotics.
COMMONPLACENESScommonplaceness n. The state or quality of being commonplace.
COMMONPLACENESS n. the state of being commonplace (ordinary).
COMMONSENSICALcommonsensical adj. Displaying common sense.
common-sensical adj. Alternative form of commonsensical.
COMMONSENSICAL adj. showing common sense, also COMMONSENSIBLE.
CONCEALMENTSconcealments n. Plural of concealment.
CONCEALMENT n. the act of concealing.
CONCLAMATIONSconclamations n. Plural of conclamation.
CONCLAMATION n. a shout of many voices together.
CYANOCOBALAMINScyanocobalamins n. Plural of cyanocobalamin.
CYANOCOBALAMIN n. vitamin B12, which has a large and complicated molecule, in one form including a cyanide group, in all forms including a cobalt atom, also CYANOCOBALAMINE.
ENCIRCLEMENTSencirclements n. Plural of encirclement.
ENCIRCLEMENT n. the act of encircling.
INCLEMENCIESinclemencies n. Plural of inclemency.
INCLEMENCY n. the quality of being inclement.
INCOMPLIANCESincompliances n. Plural of incompliance.
INCOMPLIANCE n. lack of compliance, also INCOMPLIANCY.
LINCOMYCINSlincomycins n. Plural of lincomycin.
LINCOMYCIN n. an antibiotic used for streptococcal infections.
LUMINESCENCEluminescence n. (Physics) Any emission of light that cannot be attributed merely to the temperature of the emitting body.
LUMINESCENCE n. the emission of light by a substance as the result of some external stimulus.
LUMINESCENCESluminescences n. Plural of luminescence.
LUMINESCENCE n. the emission of light by a substance as the result of some external stimulus.
MECHANICALNESSmechanicalness n. (Uncountable) The state or characteristic of being mechanical.
mechanicalness n. (Countable) A mechanical action.
MECHANICALNESS n. the state of being mechanical.
NONCHEMICALSnonchemicals n. Plural of nonchemical.
NONCHEMICAL n. something that is not a chemical.
NONCOMPLIANCESnoncompliances n. Plural of noncompliance.
NONCOMPLIANCE n. lack of compliance.
RECONCILEMENTSreconcilements n. Plural of reconcilement.
RECONCILEMENT n. the act of reconciling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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