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There are 14 words containing 2C, I and 4O

CHRONOBIOLOGICchronobiologic adj. Of or pertaining to chronobiology.
CHRONOBIOLOGIC adj. relating to chronobiology.
COHOMOLOGICALcohomological adj. Of or pertaining to cohomology.
COHOMOLOGICAL adj. relating to cohomology.
COLONOSCOPIEScolonoscopies n. Plural of colonoscopy.
COLONOSCOPY n. examination of the inside of the colon using a colonoscope, a flexible viewing instrument passed into the colon through the anus.
ECOTOXICOLOGIESECOTOXICOLOGY n. the study of the destructive effect of waste materials, etc. on the environment.
ECOTOXICOLOGISTecotoxicologist n. One who studies ecotoxicology.
ECOTOXICOLOGIST n. a specialist in ecotoxicology.
ECOTOXICOLOGYecotoxicology n. The toxicology of a substance towards a wide range of organisms or towards an ecosystem; the study of ecotoxicity.
ECOTOXICOLOGY n. the study of the destructive effect of waste materials, etc. on the environment.
GEOCHRONOLOGICgeochronologic adj. Of or pertaining to geochronology.
GEOCHRONOLOGIC adj. relating to geochronology.
GONOCOCCOIDGONOCOCCOID adj. having the shape of a gonococcus.
MACROSOCIOLOGYmacrosociology n. The subdiscipline of sociology that deals with large-scale human interactions on the level of populations…
MACROSOCIOLOGY n. the branch of sociology concerned with the study of human societies on a wide scale.
MYCOTOXICOLOGYmycotoxicology n. The study of mycotoxins.
MYCOTOXICOLOGY n. the study of fungal poisons.
PHOTOCONDUCTIONphotoconduction n. A change (normally an increase) in the electrical conductivity of a material as a result of incident…
PHOTOCONDUCTION n. conduction of electricity resulting from the absorption of light.
PSYCHOSOCIOLOGYpsychosociology n. The study of psychosocial development.
PSYCHOSOCIOLOGY n. the study of how psychological and sociological factors combine.
SOCIOBIOLOGICALsociobiological adj. Of or pertaining to sociobiology.
SOCIOBIOLOGICAL adj. relating to sociobiology.
SOCIOECONOMICsocioeconomic adj. Alternative form of socio-economic.
socio-economic adj. Of or pertaining to a combination of social and economic factors.
SOCIOECONOMIC adj. of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and economic factors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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