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There are 19 words containing 2C, 2H, N, R and T

ANTICHURCHantichurch adj. Opposed to the church; against the Christian institution.
ANTICHURCH adj. opposed to the church.
INTERCHURCHinterchurch adj. Between churches.
INTERCHURCH adj. between churches.
CHURCHIANITYChurchianity n. (Derogatory) Any practices of Christianity that place a larger emphasis on the habits of church life…
CHURCHIANITY n. a usually excessive or narrowly sectarian attachment to the practices and interests of a particular church.
XANTHOCHROICxanthochroic adj. Pertaining to people or races with light hair and pale complexions.
XANTHOCHROIC adj. exhibiting xanthochroism, a condition in which all pigments other than yellow disappear, also XANTHOCHROOUS.
CROSSHATCHINGcrosshatching v. Present participle of crosshatch.
crosshatching n. (Art) A method of showing shading by means of multiple small lines that intersect.
crosshatching n. A method of indicating terrain on a map by using the same technique.
HETEROCHRONICheterochronic adj. (Biology) Occurring at different times or intermittently.
HETEROCHRONIC adj. showing divergence from the normal time sequence in development.
TRICHOTHECENEtrichothecene n. Any of many related mycotoxins produced by pathogenic fungi species of the genus Fusarium.
TRICHOTHECENE n. any of several mycotoxins produced by various fungi.
ARCHGENETHLIACARCHGENETHLIAC n. (Browning) in derogatory sense, the greatest of genethliacs or astrologers.
CHICKENHEARTEDchickenhearted adj. Alternative form of chicken-hearted.
chicken-hearted adj. Not brave; lacking courage; cowardly.
CHICKENHEARTED adj. timid, cowardly.
CHONDRICHTHYANchondrichthyan n. Any of the cartilaginous fish, especially those of the class Chondrichthyes.
CHONDRICHTHYAN n. a technical name for a cartilaginous fish.
CHURCHIANITIESCHURCHIANITY n. a usually excessive or narrowly sectarian attachment to the practices and interests of a particular church.
CHURCHMANLIESTCHURCHMANLY adj. in the manner of a churchman.
CROSSHATCHINGScrosshatchings n. Plural of crosshatching.
cross-hatchings n. Plural of cross-hatching.
CROSSHATCHING n. shading with intersecting sets of parallel lines.
TRICHOTHECENEStrichothecenes n. Plural of trichothecene.
TRICHOTHECENE n. any of several mycotoxins produced by various fungi.
ANTHROPOPSYCHICANTHROPOPSYCHIC adj. ascribing to nature or God of a soul or mind like man's.
ARCHGENETHLIACSARCHGENETHLIAC n. (Browning) in derogatory sense, the greatest of genethliacs or astrologers.
BRACHISTOCHRONEbrachistochrone n. (Mathematics) A cycloid; the curve of fastest descent between two points.
BRACHISTOCHRONE n. the curve along which a particle acted on by a force (e.g. gravity) will pass in the shortest time from one given point to another.
CHONDRICHTHYANSchondrichthyans n. Plural of chondrichthyan.
CHONDRICHTHYAN n. a technical name for a cartilaginous fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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