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There are 18 words containing 2C, F, I, M, O and S

CHYMIFICATIONSCHYMIFICATION n. the process of chymifying.
CIRCUMFERENTORScircumferentors n. Plural of circumferentor.
CIRCUMFERENTOR n. a surveyor's angle-measuring compass instrument.
CIRCUMFLEXIONScircumflexions n. Plural of circumflexion.
CIRCUMFLEXION n. a bending round.
CIRCUMFLUOUScircumfluous adj. Circumfluent.
CIRCUMFLUOUS adj. flowing around, also CIRCUMFLUENT.
CIRCUMFORANEOUScircumforaneous adj. Wandering from place to place or market to market.
circumforaneous adj. (By extension) Indirect, roundabout, or unnecessarily complex.
CIRCUMFORANEOUS adj. wandering about as from market to market, vagrant, also CIRCUMFORANEAN.
CIRCUMFUSIONcircumfusion n. Diffusion, suffusion.
CIRCUMFUSION n. the act of circumfusing, pouring around.
CIRCUMFUSIONScircumfusions n. Plural of circumfusion.
CIRCUMFUSION n. the act of circumfusing, pouring around.
COMPACTIFIEScompactifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compactify.
COMPACTIFY v. to render compact.
CRUCIFORMScruciforms n. Plural of cruciform.
CRUCIFORM n. something cross-shaped.
MICROFELSITICmicrofelsitic adj. Of or relating to microfelsite.
MICROFELSITIC adj. of the cryptocrystalline texture of a quartz-felsite groundmass.
MICROFICHESmicrofiches n. Plural of microfiche.
microfiches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microfiche.
MICROFICHE n. a sheet of microfilm containing rows of images of pages of printed matter.
MICROFINANCESmicrofinances n. Plural of microfinance.
MONOSPECIFICmonospecific adj. (Taxonomy, Of a genus) containing only one known species.
monospecific adj. (Microbiology, Of a group of antibodies) with affinity for the same antigen.
MONOSPECIFIC adj. specific for a single antigen or receptor site on an antigen.
MONOSPECIFICITYmonospecificity n. The quality of being monospecific.
MONOSPECIFICITY n. the state of being monospecific.
OMNIFICENCESOMNIFICENCE n. the state of being omnificent.
SACCIFORMsacciform adj. Resembling a pouch.
sacciform adj. (Anatomy) Having the form of a sac.
SACCIFORM adj. shaped like a sac.
SACCULIFORMsacculiform adj. Shaped like a little sac.
SACCULIFORM adj. shaped like a small sac.
SCOLECIFORMscoleciform adj. Shaped like a scolex.
SCOLECIFORM adj. tapeworm-shaped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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